Vistage Executive Chair Tim Scronce Announces the Forming of a New Vistage Private Advisory Board

Private advisory boards for CEO's, executives and business owners

Tim Scronce

​​​​​​​​​Vistage Executive Chair Tim Scronce is forming a new chief executive group in the Southern New Hampshire / Northern Mass market. CEO’s, presidents and owners are eligible for membership and the new group will consist of non-competing businesses in a private, confidential setting.

The new peer advisory group helps executives fix, avoid or accomplish important business, financial or personal issues.  Vistage has a model that has been tested over 60 years and has helped companies that joined Vistage over the past five years grow 3 times faster than the average US company.  Tim is part of a community of more than 800 Chairs worldwide who lead local area groups, which total more than 21,000 members in 16 countries.

Tim said, “Virtually every member that joins Vistage doesn’t have enough time to do everything within their work schedule.  However, after a few meetings, the time issue goes away due to the value received and the Vistage process actually helps executives work less.”  Tim went on to say, “What would it be worth to have a group of peers as a sounding board by offering new perspectives, insights and choices that help you make the best possible decisions and achieve better results?"

About Tim Scronce

Tim Scronce has been an owner, CEO and president of both large and small, private and public companies over his 30 year career.  Tim’s success in business can be attributed to his growth minded approach and his ability to develop strong personal relationships while maintaining a healthy balance.  Tim received a BS in Industrial Engineering from North Carolina State University and a MBA from the University of Phoenix.

If you are interested in joining this local, private peer advisory group for CEO’s, presidents and owners, please reach out to Tim at [email protected] or 603-395-7841.

About Vistage Worldwide, Inc.

Vistage Worldwide members get results. Founded in 1957, Vistage assembles and facilitates private advisory groups for CEOs, senior executives and business owners. An exclusive community of more than 21,000 business leaders across a broad array of industries in 16 countries, Vistage provides powerful networking opportunities and allows members to tap into different perspectives to solve difficult challenges, evaluate opportunities and develop effective strategies for better professional and business performance. Vistage groups are facilitated by successful independent leaders who provide valuable professional insight, executive coaching and corporate training based on their own extraordinary achievements. Vistage: Leading executives to achieve more than they ever imagined possible. Visit for more details.

Source: Tim Scronce


Tags: advisory boards, executive coaching, executive training, leadership training, private advisory board