Vizualiiz Unveils LightsOnDR, A Totally New Approach To Planning And Implementing Disaster Recovery In Data Centers
Online, January 23, 2013 ( - Vizualiiz, an innovator in technology solutions that make managing data center assets faster, easier and more affordable, today announced LightsOnDR, a totally new approach to planning and practically implementing data center recovery in the event of a disaster. Offered as part of the expanding LightsOn solutions family, its advanced RFID, cloud and tablet technologies, LightsOnDR offers complete 3D visibility, control and management over the location and disposition of entire data center assets or just those that have been designated and prioritized as critical.
"The trick to good BC and DR planning is to not solely focus on strategy, but to have a solid tactical plan. Too often planning is done at a high level, too high to be of any practical value." Bob Cartwright, Vizualiiz President stated. "Another critical issue to consider is that having a contingency plan is fine but what if you don't have power? Can you operationalize your plan in darkness, without the systems and applications for DR being available?"
LightsOnDR is the perfect collaboration platform for every stakeholder on which to run "what if" scenarios, test and take affirmative action to mitigate all forms of potential disasters ahead of time. Data center managers, can for example, model, build practical plans and manage the redeployment of critical assets to strategic locations in a data center to mitigate loss and time to recover. Prioritized contingency planning can take place down to the individual asset level if needs be based on the criticality of an asset to the business. "Unfortunately too often we find that companies don't know how many assets they have, never mind how critical they are to the business. We see this as a significant risk to data centers especially having seen the impact following Hurricane Sandy. LightsOnDR really gets people ahead of the curve and should the worst happen, gives them a modern practical approach to rapid recovery"
This latest addition to LightsOn product family builds upon the recent Vizualiiz announcement of LightsOn 2.3D, a version of the product which includes an updated user interface with 360o visual search and navigation of data center assets, including zoom capabilities to faceplate-level detail.
About Vizualiiz
Founded in 2010, privately held Vizualiiz has created the patent-pending LightsOn™ solution to completely redefine the way data center assets are managed. LightsOn combines advanced 3D visual game-like technology to enable advanced asset decision making; completely integrated software; and wireless, tablet-based data collection to improve asset collection speed and accuracy. Completely agnostic, LightsOn accommodates a range of asset tagging technologies from RFID to barcodes. The turnkey solution is delivered as SaaS or premise-based and makes asset management simple, intuitive, more reliable and cost effective. For more information, please visit
"Vizualiiz" and "LightsOn" are registered trademarks Edifice Technologies, Inc.
Tags: Cloud Technology, data center, data center asset management, Datacenter, disaster, disaster recovery, IT, ITAM, LightsOn, SaaS, Software