Voiceless Victims Launches a New Website

Voiceless Victims announces a new website, one year after it launched a labor rights campaign

​ Voiceless Victims is pleased to announce the launch of its new website www.vlvictims.org. The site focuses on the following issues: Women’s Rights, Refugees, Labor Rights and Children’s Rights and is aimed to serve as a platform for discourse regarding human rights violations.

As part of it’s efforts to combat human rights violations, Voiceless Victims launched a labor rights campaign called ‘I Support Qatar Workers’.  The campaign was aimed to raise awareness regarding the abuse and exploitation of thousands of migrant workers in preparation for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.

Voiceless Victims announces a new website, one year after it launched a labor rights campaign

Amelie Lefebvre, Spokesperson

‘I Support Qatar Workers’ was a viral success and spread like wildfire on social media.

The campaign was based around a video that reached millions of people all over Europe and the Middle East, all showing their support for the promotion of international human rights.

“We have been working for the past month to launch our new website, and the time has finally come. This site turned out to be well worth the wait and we couldn’t be happier to launch a new platform to spread the word and be a loud voice for Human Rights.” Luke Hann, Voiceless Victims’ Founder.

Voiceless Victims is a non-profit human rights organization based in France.

“Last year we gathered as a group of individuals who were concerned about human rights violations, and now we are happy to announce that our concern has been translated into action, as we launch our newly formed organization.” Voiceless Victims’ spokesperson, Amelie Lefebvre.

While social media has become mainstream, the organization believes that non-profit organizations fail to utilize social media to engage with Human Rights causes. Voiceless Victims sees itself as a pioneer, striving to engage the public with a different approach and innovative visual language.

If you come by important information or witness relevant events, please don’t hesitate and drop us an email or FB message to let us know.

We invite you to visit our ‘take action’ page at www.vlvictims.org/take_action.html or our social media platforms:

Twitter: @VLVictims

Facebook: voicelessvictims.info

Amelie Lefebvre, Spokesperson

+33 09 77 19 92 86 / [email protected]

Twitter: @amelielefebvre0


Tags: Human Rights

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Voiceless Victims is a non-profit organization founded in 2015. Our mission is to fight for human rights globally, by giving a voice to those who have had their own silenced.

Voiceless Victims