Voicemail Contest for Popfax Customers
Online, December 11, 2011 (Newswire.com) - The contest begins on November 21st, 2011 and is only open to customers who are legal residents of countries where Popfax provides fax numbers: France, USA, UK, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Portugal, Netherland, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Hungary, Croatia, Poland, Romania, Moldova, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and who have reached the age of majority at the time of entry.
Five winning voicemails (one in each of the following languages: French, English, Italian, Spanish and German) that promote Popfax will be selected by the Popfax.com marketing team and announced on January 9th, 2012. The selection will be made based on the voicemail that promotes the Popfax service in the most remarkable and enjoyable way. The winners will be notified by email and revealed on Popfax's different social media accounts (including the Popfax Facebook page). The voicemails might be reused in Popfax communication.
"This voicemail contest invites our customers to use more of the features embedded in our unified messaging solution. Indeed, although we are well-known for our professional fax solutions, our service includes many productivity features like Internet fax, SMS, fax email, call transfer and voicemail... We are using this contest as an opportunity to promote the voicemail option to all our current and future customers, some of whom might have not yet discovered it. This feature allows end-users to set up their Popfax account as an answering machine and receive voice messages on the move, either by e-mail or by calling back their number like a traditional answering machine." said Vladimir Popesco the CEO and founder of Popfax.com.
In order to take part in the contest, customers have to:
Access their Popfax.com account, go to Account Management -> Voice parameters and enable the Voicemail option.
Activate "Email notification" and "Permanent redirection of voice messages to your email box", then click on "Modify".
Call their Popfax.com fax number and leave the voicemail related to Popfax that they think will be the "best" audio spot. As a result, they will receive the recorded voicemail in their email.
Register the recorded voicemail in the contest.
More information on the contest's rules and requirements can be found on the Popfax Facebook page.
Tags: fax service, Internet fax, online fax, online voicemail