Volubill Launches CONTROL-ITTM Policy Manager V6

Powerful Graphic-based Business Configuration GUI Allows Operators to be More Strategic and Agile When Defining and Managing Service Policies

Volubill today launched CONTROL-IT TM Policy Manager V6, the latest version of its policy control and management solution. The new product features a business configuration user interface that allows non-technical business users to assist in the implementation of policy rules without the technical back-end of the business losing control.

This interface empowers a wider number of stakeholders within the operator to adapt data products, define new service packages, implement new charging rules and communicate offers and usage limit notifications to the end user faster than ever before.

While policy and charging technologies have become crucial to solving ongoing network capacity challenges caused by increasing data demand, they are often too technical for business users to use without the help of IT or external consultants. CONTROL-IT™ Policy Manager V6, simplifies the process whilst taking into account the overall customer experience, not just the technical PCRF elements of network and application control.

"With mobile data usage continuing to surge, operators must be able to implement policy rules faster if they are to stay ahead of a market that is more dynamic than ever," said Joe McGarvey, Principal Analyst, IP Services Infrastructure, Current Analysis. "One of Volubill's greatest strengths has always been its ability to blend IT and network functionalities into a single technology. With the graphic interface enhancements to CONTROL-IT Policy Manager V6, they are now giving business managers the ability to directly enact new policy models on the network at a higher velocity by removing a persistent boundary between business and IT teams. This kind of solution will go a long way toward letting operators take real-time control of their networks and leverage policy more creatively in the future."

"Policy and charging are not just network functions," said John Aalbers, CEO, Volubill. "To stay competitive, business users within the operator must be able to leverage policy rules at a pace that is dictated by their customers and not be constrained by network managers who have different priorities. CONTROL-IT Policy Manager V6 provides a way for policy to be controlled by a more diverse group of users in real-time, and places policy at the strategic heart of the business."

The new GUI allows an operator to model the complete service policy lifecycle in five key stages to enable its policy engine to deliver decisions that trigger network policy, charging, and customer dialogue actions in real time. The new interface provides a powerful and flexible set of visual configuration tools to capture all the business and network reference data required to capture or change service or network rules in seconds.

Additional functional enhancements to Volubill's CONTROL-IT Policy Manager V6 include:
• Dynamic network policies can be created for various subscriber activity states and made accessible to business users for swift employment of service designs - maintaining network integrity and security.
• Full 3GPP PCRF Release 9 Compliance.
• Support for IPv6 addressing across mobile, fixed and wireless networks.
• Additional roaming mechanisms to identify roaming activity and service packages.
• Support for additional WiMAX ASN Gateway requirements.
• Full proration support for mid-duration quota management.

For more information on the new functional capabilities of CONTROL-IT Policy Manager V6, or the company's other products and solutions including CHARGE-ITTM products and Edge Offload TM, visit www.volubill.com, or contact a Volubill representative.



Tags: charging, CONTROL-IT, policy management, Policy Manager V6, Volubill

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Martine Naughton
Press Contact, Volubill
22 Long Acre
London, UK
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