WA Health Department Warns 2013 Mosquito Season Could Be The Worst Yet

Dr. Michael Lindsay of the Health Department is urging Australian homeowners to take a proactive stance against the unprecedented mosquito invasion and take whatever precautions are necessary to provide themselves and family members with the necessar

Australians anticipating a summer filled with fun and physical activities in the great outdoors are being warned by health officials to prepare instead for one of the worst mosquito invasions in recent history. Thanks to an abundance of wet weather conditions throughout the spring, mosquito populations are thriving, especially in low lying coastal areas. Higher than normal tides are also pushing mosquito populations inland. The WA Health Department has already confirmed a dozen early cases of Ross River virus, signaling that the 2013 mosquito season may be one for the record books.

Dr. Michael Lindsay of the Health Department is urging Australian homeowners to take a proactive stance against the unprecedented mosquito invasion and take whatever precautions are necessary to provide themselves and family members with the necessary amount of mosquito control.The presence of mosquitos in backyards, around swimming pools and infesting outdoor patio entertainment centers poses a much more significant problem than the mere annoyance of getting bitten. Not only are life threatening viruses transmitted by mosquitos to humans, they carry such blood-borne illnesses as dengue fever, malaria and encephalitis. Individuals who are allergic to their bite can develop hives and skin lesions and even such life-threatening symptoms as swelling of the throat and difficulty breathing.

There are a number of positive steps that the individual Australian homeowner can take in order to do their part in the effort to control the mosquito population throughout the summer season and help prevent them from breeding on their own property. Homeowners can be vigilant about allowing water puddles to form outdoors in pet dishes, buckets and floral urns because these can encourage mosquitos to breed. Ensure that water isn't trapped in any tarp covers, around livestock watering troughs, or in drain gutters or on rooftops. Stock ponds with minnows that feed on mosquitos and refresh the water in baby pools and birdbaths every few days. When watering lawns and gardens, do so sparingly so that water sinks into the ground and doesn't puddle. Keep lawns and vegetation well trimmed to discourage mosquitos.

Hand-held foggers can be a useful option for controlling mosquitos outdoors, although a rather unpleasant smelling solution. Aerosol sprays also provide a temporary solution to prevent mosquitos from invading outdoor spaces, but their effectiveness dissipates rather quickly in open air. Mosquito traps such as bug zappers also have limited success. Professionally installed automatic misting systems are among the best and most cost effective options for successful mosquito control.

A mosquito misting system strategically positioned throughout an outdoor landscape delivers a timed spray of environmentally safe botanical insecticide made from flowers that while toxic to mosquitos is perfectly harmless around humans. Mosquito misting systems are also very low maintenance and can be set to deliver insecticide sprays at dawn and dusk when mosquitos are most active. Companies specializing in mosquito misting systems can custom design an affordable system to meet the specific needs of any Australian homeowner who wants the most cost effective way to prevent the predicted mozzie invasion from ruining his outdoor plans this summer or endangering his health.

Seasonal Comfort are the Australian distributors of the Mistaway mosquito misting system. For more information visit: http://www.mosquitocontrol.net.au


Tags: how to keep mosquitoes away, mosquito control, outdoor mosquito control

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Sally Thomas
Press Contact, MistAway Mosquito Misting System
MistAway Mosquito Misting System
231 Camboon Rd Malaga WA
West Granby, CT 6090