Walk It! Stroll To Your Goal

Walk It! is an 8 week program designed to get the community out and moving! Our goal is to increase the physcial activity of the community as well as educate them on simple nutritional knowledge and how exercise decreases your risk for diseases.

WHAT: 8-week walk IT! program

WHERE: Anywhere you can find a place to walk

COST: $20/person - includes customized t-shirt

REGISTER BY: Friday, April 15th

Why walk IT!? It is easy, free and social! Walking just 30 minutes a day will decrease your risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and more!

DETAILS: Jordan Family Chiropractic is sponsoring its annual walk IT! program! Form teams of 3-5 people and start counting the miles that you walk weekly. Miles will be averaged each week. The top three teams as well as the overall individual with the most miles over the course of 8-weeks will win prizes at our June 28th Party.

HOW TO JOIN: Simply visit our website, www.JordanFamilyChiro.com and download an application.

This program is a great way to get out and start moving. Shed off those winter pounds, enjoy the sights of spring and summer and get a breath of fresh air - whatever motivates you to get moving!


Tags: fitness, Health, walk

About Jordan Family Chiropractic

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Dr. Amanda Jordan
Press Contact, Jordan Family Chiropractic
Jordan Family Chiropractic
9125 Marshall Rd. Suite 101
Cranberry Twp, PA 16066