Walters and Reed Seeking to Expand Into Europe

Walters and Reed,looking to expand into Europe

Walters and Reed an established firm in the area of compensation recovery.

Will be looking to expand into Europe with an office Luxembourg,at the end of the year due to the heavy influx of European clients.

Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together. James Cash Penney, Founder of JCPenney

Wade Raleigh , Secetary of the Wilmington Legal Association

This plan has been a long time coming and is the natural fit for the  company.

Having a base in Europe means the opportunity to meet clients and assess claims from the ground floor.

Due to  the cross jurisdictional nature of modern companies to fully protect the clients best interests,it is no longer enough to use research firms in concert with our own research team.

To consolidate the position of Walters and Reed,a presence is needed,this should be achieved by the third quarter.

The capital is in place for the expansion and the recruitment drive is ongoing,it is vital to have the finest minds and the best legal counsel working for us,to ensure the continued success.

Source: Wade Raleigh


Tags: Attorneys, Europe, Expansion, Growth, Legal

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Walters and Reed is an international law firm that represents a broad array of clients, with nine specialist lawyers based in our Wilmington office. Our doors are always open to new ventures, mid-sized companies in emerging industries.

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Wilmington, Deleware 19801
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