Want to Out-Think and Out-Perform the Competition? Author Connie Podesta Pins Success on How We Act
Online, July 6, 2011 (Newswire.com) - We've all worn the "react" shoes before. A perfectly fine day was going swell when - whammo - some situation flipped the world upside down. Perhaps it was being asked to learn new technology. Or maybe the department head ordered extra work in the name of innovation. Either way, this kind of reacting is a surefire way to become powerless, says award-winning author Connie Podesta in her new book, 10 Ways to Stand Out From the Crowd. That's why people need to learn how to "act" if they're going to out-think and out-perform the competition.
"Never give up the power to control your own destiny," says Podesta ( http://www.ConniePodesta.com/booking/ ). "Acting is taking charge of your self-respect, financial security, career happiness, relationships and health. You can always choose to be better in the future than you were in the past."
We have the power to choose how we want to live and act right now. And those choices - keeping skills up-to-date, being open to new ideas, coming up with fresh approaches, exploring innovative ways to do business - will determine our future.
So choose to act in these ways:
* Meet the world head-on by being open to new ideas.
* Learn from every person on every sidewalk and every coffee shop.
* Develop new competencies and sharpen those skills.
If we choose to react, we're choosing to be left behind, says Podesta. Her strategies for improving business and personal relationships by making good choices can be seen in her YouTube video Re-Think Your Choices at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-36zj4Z8nNU . After that, catching up is very hard to do.
One thing we all must watch out for is making choices based on what's easy, rather than on what's right. Remember that "easy" doesn't always get the job done. It's hard work to do almost anything that adds meaning and value to our lives. That's why we all must ask ourselves: What do we want our future to look like? What can we learn that will help us be a vital part of our organization, community, church and family? What have we put off that needs to happen now?
"To survive in today's world, you need as much confidence as possible," says Podesta, whose STAND OUT STRATEGIES can be found at http://1clik2.com/10Ways2StandOut . "Every time you make a good choice about your career or financial security or happiness, your confidence level increases. It's a self-feeding cycle, and it's one of those things where a gluttonous appetite is a very good thing."
About Connie Podesta:
Connie Podesta ( http://www.ConniePodesta.com/speakingtraining ) brings new meaning to the term "powerhouse". With quick wit and extraordinary insight, she makes people both laugh and think. She compels both audience members and readers alike to create action plans that build strong foundations and even stronger futures. She cuts to the basics, giving people reliable, repeatable success strategies that make change feel more like opportunity than obstacle. Podesta is an important, game-changing addition to any corporate event.
For more information on Connie Podesta's schedule and availability or to learn more about her award winning book 10 Ways to Stand Out From the Crowd and the keynote topics that spring from it, contact her team today at 972-596-5501, via email at [email protected] or visit her website online at http://www.ConniePodesta.com
Press Contact:
Teresa Biehl
Vice President Marketing
Connie Podesta Seminars
3308 Preston Road
Ste. 350-119
Plano, TX 75093
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Tags: 10 Ways to Stand Out From the Cr, best business book, change management, corporate communication, funny woman speaker, keynote speaker