Warp Drive Here Now - STDTS Verified By The Call & Post

The Call & Post verifies that a prototype for warp drive exists that could make faster than light travel a reality decades sooner than otherwise expected.

The Call & Post newspaper, owned by Don King Media, is the first print media outlet to verify what has been reported by online newswires over the last number of years - that the STDTS technology created by research and development engineer Marshall Barnes, does indeed function as a prototype for warp drive. The article, "Man's Research On Electromagnetic Field Could Become Breakthrough", appearing in the February 16 - 23 2011 edition, was written by reporter Ike Mgbatogu who was allowed to see video tapes of gravity drops, a test with a car that is being propelled faster than it is moving under its own power, as well as a video of Eugene Roddenberry, son of Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry, who remarks on camera that if the STDTS proves to be true that it is the greatest thing in the history of humanity.

The Call & Post article also reveals additional information that heretofore had not been released, such as connections between Marshall's research and speculation by Russian scientist N.A. Kozyrev in 1969 that a better method to travel through space would be to effect time itself, which would end up being a warp drive. This is exactly the path the development of the STDTS took prior to Marshall being aware of Kozyrev. There were a few errors in the reporting but overall they were minor.

The Call & Post article marks the beginning of a new campaign by Marshall and his associates to bring out the STDTS and establish it as the new premiere technology for aerospace and other forms of travel. It began by his doing a limited showing of video of a gravity drop using the STDTS at the USA Science and Engineering Festival in Washington D.C. last October, which so impressed NASA Kepler scientist Alan Gould that he gave Marshall his card and permission to use his name as someone who had actually seen it there. In the gravity drop video, the target object fell faster with the STDTS turned on than turned off. The STDTS functions by creating a special electromagnetic field that contracts or "warps" space in front of it as it moves in advance of an object already in motion. The result is an acceleration that is not relying on any matter to energy conversion and thus would allow for faster than light travel in outer space, if the field were pulsed. It is a revolutionary alternative to other warp drive theories, such as those by Miguel Alcubierre, Gerald Cleaver and Richard Obousy, which require massive amounts of energy as well as speculative physics, and are estimated to be decades away from being possible. Marshall states, however, that there are other obstacles that must have engineered solutions before any manned faster than light travel can be attempted. The benefits, however, in just getting to locations in space faster than currently possible, are substantial.

The Call & Post may be reached at 216-588-6700


Tags: don king, European Space Agency, Gerald Cleaver and Richard Obous, Marshall Barnes, Miguel Alcubierre, N.A. Kozyrev Russia, star trek, stdts, Warp drive

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