Watch Free Streaming Anime On Your Ipad In HD.
Tetsuo Enterprize just unleashed their new website which lets ipad users watch anime
Online, July 10, 2011 ( - is the first free streaming anime site that is in HD that is viewable on the iphone, ipad and so on(which requires nothing for you to download). This site promises its users hardcore anime with series like Dragonball z, Full metal alchemist, and naruto. Web surfers can also signup and receive profiles, friends, and all the joys of a social networking website. This revolutionary 1 of a kind website for the anime genre promises to take free streaming anime to new heights. declares not to use embedded tags, to charge, or to make its members take a survey to watch anime. All anime on this website is reviewed and is badass approved gets the stamp of approval from the admin. The admin or always takes suggestions and reviews new anime for the site. Please submit all suggestions(is not guaranteed for uploading) for new anime series to [email protected] or the user Elijah on the website.
Quoted from the hompage
"Welcome to the best anime site on the net! We offer free videos to watch that require no surveys or anything to download to be able to watch it. All of our videos are viewable on the iphone. Also we dont use mega video. All the animes on this site are badass approved and get our stamp of approval.If you see an anime on this site that you have not watched before you can trust that if its on our site then it must be good( in this respect we are anime snobs). We also take requests for new animes for the site just contact the user elijah (hes everyone's first friend). We built this out of pure frustration of adult swim not playing good anime on a regular basis like they use to and all these other anime sites that require you to fill out some dumb survey to watch anime(thats retarded) this site is here to solve the problems in the online anime community."
Tags: anime, Anime Episodes, Anime Online, Dubbed Anime, Streaming anime, Watch Anime, Watch Anime Online