Watch Your Website Conversion Jump With AdTraka - See How this Smart Tool Can help To Convert Your Online Leads
Online, September 6, 2010 ( - Lancashire August 2010 - Online marketing optimisation has launched the new telephone conversion tracking tool on their website where you can take a free tour, to se how the tool works. In addition, the newly launched tool is very cost effective for small and large businesses to track their online to offline calls.
For some online business owners, marketing optimization is easier said than done. Even when they've done their homework and put all the pieces in place to properly advertise their domain, web site optimization may continue to elude them. The bottom line, after all, is the number of conversions being made by customers visiting your web page. If they're not buying what you're selling something needs tweaking. Maybe this can help.
The first step in any successful online marketing campaign is finding something to sell that lots of people are interested in buying. With the billions of web sites currently up and running on the Internet, there's a pretty good chance that whatever you decide to sell is already being offered by thousands (or millions) of others. You're the proverbial small fish in a big pond and you need to find a way to make the playing field lean in your direction. Every ethical advantage you can bring to your side will increase your chances for success.
Marketing optimization is an on-going process. Once you find a product or a service to offer the online public you need to design and build a web site to showcase your wares. Most business owners will farm this task out to someone else who is experienced in site development but it will probably be up to you to determine the content to be included.
You could read more about the company and its new telephone conversion tracking tool by visiting its official website available at:
About AdTraka:
AdTraka Limited is a very famous and booming market technology company that provides Internet marketing companies with a new and unique platform to track telephone conversions that can help their business by marginally reducing cost of online marketing by minimum 30%. See the video how it works here:
Company Details
Damian Appleby - MD
AdTraka Limited
Telephone: 0844 050 47 04
Tags: Call Tracking, Marketing Optimisation, Telephone Conversion Tracking