WCA Team Members Attend National Conference

WCA discussed a recent national leadership conference a few hand-selected team members attended. The company's Director of Operations offered some of his best tips for networking at big industry events.

"We provide a wide range of travel opportunities for our team members," stated Paul, the President of WCA. "They include all types of conferences and seminars that bolster knowledge and offer great networking potential at the same time. A few of our top performers recently attended the national quarterly leadership conference, where they were able to participate in several workshops, listen to keynote speeches, and interact with the best of the best from our industry."

Discussing best practices with other successful people is one of the most rewarding elements of events such as the leadership conference. Paul added, "When we get to learn what other managers' goals are for keeping up with industry trends, we get to see our own objectives in a new light. It's also important for our promotional specialists to get a better view of the big picture when it comes to what's possible in our business. It's fair to say that our team members returned to the WCA office with fresh inspiration to seize every opportunity and advance their careers."

"We provide a wide range of travel opportunities for our team members,"

Paul, President

The connections team members make at national conferences become key assets in their career growth. They also open unexpected doors for WCA as a whole. "We've formed some productive relationships with other offices and companies through our team's networking prowess," added Matt, the firm's Director of Operations. "I'm sure this will be no different with the new allies our team members met at the national conference."

WCA Director of Operations Shares Tips for Networking at Big Events

One reason WCA team members do so well in terms of networking at events like the national leadership conference is the fact that they go in with clear plans. "This is something we've always stressed during our travel events," Matt stated. "We remind our promotional specialists to set clear objectives for what they want to achieve. It's typically helpful to keep these goals on the modest side, because we don't need the pressure that comes with trying to connect with everyone."

Having strong elevator pitches ready to go is another reliable strategy for networking success. "You have to be prepared to make strong impressions on people," the Director added. "By researching the people and companies that will be in attendance, our team members can find common ground to quickly build helpful professional connections."

About WCA:

WCA is recognized as the region's top marketing and consulting firm. This distinction is largely the result of a diverse team and high-level collaboration. The firm's executives use creative thinking and detailed data to produce customer acquisition campaigns that deliver packages and other promotional incentives to capture public attention and convert new customers. Buyer trust and loyalty are the inevitable outcomes. The company has top-notch leadership that knows how to gain new insights and stay ahead of the latest trends. This knowledge and their team's passion keep them ahead of the rest. 

Source: WCA


Tags: Careers, Conference, WCA