We All Have a Cancer Story...

Cancer is the enemy that has touched so many of our lives. If we don't or haven't had cancer then we know someone who has it or knows someone with it. Cancer is evil, it's insidious and it doesn't care who it kills. It destroys lives, families and cr

My brother Bob was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma back in 1999. At the time none of us were afraid. We didn't have any experience with cancer nor did we have any other family members that had cancer. We were complacent and totally nonchalant (I was) about the whole diagnosis. My brother had a fighting spirit about him and thought he could beat this interruption in his life no problem. He thought with treatment it would just "go away". This is when we found out the truth about cancer and how evil it really is.

During the 2 years after the diagnosis he had chemo and radiation. Big mistake. This form of treatment can be as bad as the disease itself. It totally annihilated his immune system - there was nothing left to fight the cancer cells. He became weak and could not eat.

Bob passed away on February 20th, 2001 - just over 2 months after the doctors told him there was no hope. Myself, my mother, son, and my brother surrounded him with love as he slipped away. I miss him terribly. He was my buddy and we had SO many good, fun and hilarious times together.

Since then I have gathered much information on how to fight cancer and win with diet. Many people are not aware that in many cases Cancer has been stopped in its tracks by people who have shifting their blood to an alkaline pH state. The magnitude of this understanding is of incredible importance to someone who is fighting virtually any disease, overcoming an illness, weight issues, or someone desiring to simply feel better and remain as young as possible. What it means is this... Your Body pH affects EVERYTHING!

Even mild acidity in your body can over time cause such problems as :

* Cardiovascular damage, including the constriction of blood vessels, clogged arteries, weakened veins, and the reduction of oxygen
* All forms of Cancer
* Unwanted weight/fat gain, obesity, insulin disorders, and diabetes
* Liver, Bladder and Kidney conditions, including kidney and gallstones
* Weakened Immune system, increased stress, higher blood pressure
* Neurological Diseases: MS, ALS, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's
* Acceleration of free radical damage, possibly contributing to cancerous mutations
* Premature aging, frequent headaches, sinusitis, constipation, hemorrhoids
* Osteoporosis, weak, brittle bones, hip fractures, bone spurs and calcium deposits
* Osteoarthritis, joint pain, aching muscles and lactic acid buildup
* Hormonal imbalances, Prostate problems and adult acne
* Low energy and chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, acid indigestion and flatulence

Each cell in our body takes in oxygen, nutrients and glucose while throws out toxins. These cells are protected by the immune system. But as the body gets acidic the immune system gets overpowered by the toxins and the cell looses its capacity to take in oxygen and thus ferments. This cell gets cancer affected and is lost. Cancer cells lie dormant in a ph of 7.4 but as the body gets alkalized higher and the ph level reaches 8.4 these malignant cells die off. So the answer to cancer lies in an extremely alkaline diet. When the alkaline diet will result in a high alkaline body ph the cancer cells cannot live in that environment and die off.

Cancer cells being anaerobic cannot live in oxygen. They can only thrive in very low oxygen conditions. When the ph of the body is maintained by consuming an alkaline diet the immune system of the body stays strong. This leads to the cells getting enough oxygen and discarding their toxin waste.

When you have an acidic pH, your body is being silently torn apart day by day and becomes increasingly vulnerable to degenerative diseases of all types. However, when you maintain an alkaline pH on a daily basis, your body can rebuild, repair, fight disease, rejuvenate and remain young!


Tags: alkalinity, cancer, diet

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