WE International (Walk-in Evolution) Gets a New President
Online, April 23, 2013 (Newswire.com) - WE International, also known as Walk-in Evolution, was founded by Liz Nelson, in the 1990s. After Liz passed from her body, the organization continued to hold conferences for several years. The LLC was kept alive by a single member, Ranoli, since 2006. Under the direction of its newly-appointed president, Yvonne Perry, WE International is arising from the ashes with an in-person gathering this spring.
Yvonne Perry is the author of several books, including an Amazon bestseller, Whose Stuff Is This? ~ Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You. She is launching her next book, Walk-ins Among Us ~ Open Your Personal Portal to Cosmic Awareness, with a conference to provide fellowship and training for walk-ins, starseeds, Indigos, and other lightworkers.
Walk-ins arrive at each evolutionary step in advance of the masses, adding clarity and stability, while leaving a clearly-marked pathway as they move forward in service to humanity. As they refine their own personal journey, they become the model for others to follow. These "way-showers" embark upon rugged terrain, determine what needs to be done to safely create necessary changes in consciousness, and then assist others in integrating the vibrational shift.
The event in which walk-ins take place is known as a soul exchange because as one soul walks into the body, the soul previously inhabiting the body walks out. These transfers are common as part of the ascension process.
When a walk-in soul first arrives in the body of an adult human (rather than being born into the body of an infant), there is typically a transition period during which rapid and life-transforming shifts occur. As the person integrates the personality of the new soul, he or she may suddenly dissolve a relationship, leave organized religion, give up a detrimental habit, become empowered, change residences, jobs, wardrobe, or food preferences, and exhibit other radical lifestyle changes.
As future and past selves/lives and fragmented aspects of the multidimensional soul have been coming together in wholeness over the past few years, people have begun to report strange spiritual experiences, and they are looking for answers. They will find comfort and information to help make sense of it at Walk-ins Among Us Nashville Conference, a gathering of starseeds, Indigos, way-showers, celestial beings, walk-ins, and their family and friends.
Beginning with a Friday night fellowship on May 17, 2013, the conference will be held at the Hyatt Place Hotel (Airport) on Royal Parkway in Nashville, Tennessee. On Saturday, May 18, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., several speakers will offer insight about integrating higher cosmic frequencies that come as a result of a soul exchange or soul merge/braid. There will be free time to fellowship with others in attendance. Video replays of the presentations will be available after the conference. See http://walkinsamongus.org for more information.
Tags: walk in evolution, walk ins, Yvonne Perry