We the Patriots USA Announces Victory for Alisa Campau, Girl Denied Kidney Transplant for Refusing Covid Shot

Lawsuit to be withdrawn after hospital provided medical evaluations
Alisa Campau Citizenship

On May 13, 2022, a federal lawsuit funded by We The Patriots USA, Inc. (WTP USA) was filed in the Western District of Michigan against Spectrum Health/Helen Devos Children's Hospital in Grand Rapids, alleging that Alisa Campau, a 17 year-old adoptee from Ukraine, had been denied medical evaluations necessary for placement on the pediatric kidney transplant list, for her refusal to receive the COVID-19 shot. The Campau family maintained a strong religious objection to the shot, and asserted a claim of religious discrimination in the lawsuit.

Today WTP USA is happy to announce that since the lawsuit has been filed, the hospital has provided Alisa with the medical evaluations necessary for placement on the pediatric transplant list. Although the hospital has not conceded that their change in course was the result of the lawsuit, WTP USA and the Campaus are hailing this as a victory for medical and religious freedom.

"We are so thankful for the quick and laser-focused help we received from We the Patriots USA when we reached out for legal assistance. We are convinced that their facilitation of  legal defense was absolutely the reason that Alisa has now received the medical evaluations that were previously denied," Jenna Campau, Alisa's mother, said in a statement today. Campau added, "Without their help, we are certain that Alisa would still be denied access to these evaluations, which are a necessary prerequisite for placement on the kidney transplant list. Given these new developments, and after prayerful consideration, we have decided to withdraw our lawsuit against the hospital. However, we reserve the right to re-initiate legal action in the future if necessary to protect Alisa's medical and religious rights, and will continue to support others who are on similar journeys to protect their own medical freedoms and those of their children."

WTP USA would like to thank all of the individuals who so generously donated to Alisa's legal fund. WTP USA has just recently agreed to fund another lawsuit in defense of a Peoria, IL woman who is being denied a kidney transplant for refusing the COVID-19 shot. Donations to that legal fund may be made at https://www.givesendgo.com/brandi.

For press inquiries, please email [email protected].

Source: We The Patriots USA, Inc.


Tags: campau, covid, helen devos, kidney, kidney transplant, lawsuit, shot, spectrum health, transplant, vaccine, we the patriots, we the patriots usa

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