Wear Red for Public Ed
Online, December 29, 2010 (Newswire.com) - The SOS Million Teacher March is sponsoring "Wear Red For Public Ed" this coming Tuesday, January 4, 2011. The idea is that everybody across America wears something red that day to show their support for our nation's public education system.
Public education has been taking its share of hits lately from just about every angle including the media, politicians, and other prominent Americans. However, there are plenty of people out there who still support the public education system and public educators; they just don't have the means to voice their opinions as loudly as those who are constantly shedding a negative light on public education and its most visible representatives, teachers. Wearing red on Tuesday is one way to voice this opinion.
For more information about the "Wear Red For Public Ed" campaign and some of the other work the SOS Million Teacher March is doing in support of public education, please visit their website at www.sosmtm.com or contact Chris Janotta at [email protected] or (708)949-6060.
Tags: Education, Million Teacher March, reform, Teacher