Web-based nutrition program reduces health care costs for employees with cardiac risk factors

Web-based program linked to reduced healthcare costs for employees with cardiac risk factors. The study found those with cardiovascular risks enrolled in the web-based program lost weight, lowered blood pressure, and improved their eating habits.

Researchers from Boston University School of Medicine and Boston University School of Public Health have found employer-sponsored, internet-based diet and exercise programs to be an effective low-cost benefit that will lower healthcare costs for high-risk employees with cardiac risk factors, such as hyperlipidemia and hypertension. These findings are reported in the current issue of the Journal of Medical Internet Research.

Health insurance premiums have drastically risen over the past 10 years, placing an increased burden on employer sponsored health insurance programs as well as employees. Proactive employers implementing tools that engage their employees and employee dependents have been able to manage the rising healthcare costs.

One proactive measure is providing a low cost internet-based nutrition and exercise behavior modification program. This program allows participants to login and receive weekly information on how to improve their nutrition and exercise habits. Employees enter detailed information about their diet, blood pressure, and weight and the program provides customizes progress reports to monitor success and action steps to focus on.

The researchers evaluated whether an internet-based behavior modification program had an impact on healthcare costs. They analyzed the costs for employees and their spouses 12 months prior to the launch of the internet based program and costs during the 12 months following the launch. Researchers also took into account how often a participant utilized the program website and the impact on healthcare costs. All study participants were examined along with a subgroup consisting of 735 individuals with cardiovascular conditions, such as hypertension and hyperlipidemia.

For all employees, the internet-based program was not associated with a reduction in healthcare costs; however, healthcare costs for those in the cardiovascular risk subgroup were on average $827 lower for the study year. The study found those with cardiovascular risks enrolled in the internet-based program lost weight, lowered their blood pressure, and improved their eating habits. It's also important to note that reduced healthcare costs were seen within the first year of program implementation for employees with cardiovascular risk factors.

Also, researchers found evidence suggesting the more times individuals with cardiovascular risk factors visited the program website healthcare costs decreased. Each additional visit to the website was associated with a $55 savings in healthcare costs.

For more information regarding this study go to http://budurl.com/onlinecardiacpr.


Tags: cardiac risk factors, cardiovascular, exercise, Health, Nutrition, online, programs, web-based, worksite wellness

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