Web Copywriters Make Top 10 Sexiest Professions List

The World's #1 Sexiest Web Content Writer

Web copywriters are recognized as one of the sexiest professions worldwide, according to a recent international poll.*

It marks the start of a new era, suggests Rick Sloboda, Senior Web Copywriter and Content Strategist at Webcopy+. While Sloboda wasn't selected as one of the sexiest content writers, he says he's proud of his industry's milestone and recognition.

Content writers now deservedly share the stage with people like Dwayne Johnson, Richard Branson and Jennifer Lopez.

Rick Sloboda, Senior Web Copywriter and Content Strategist, Webcopy+

"Firemen, athletes and TV personalities — these selections are predictable and they've grown tired," he stated during a phone interview from the copywriting agency's headquarters in Vancouver, Canada. "Web copywriters, on the other hand, combine sensitivity, curiosity, creativity, artistic angst, grit to tackle deadlines, and nose-bleeding IQs to comprehend and infiltrate the human psyche."

The World's Top 5 Sexiest Web Copywriters

While sources could not be verified, the following individuals are reportedly the world's sexiest content writers, spanning the US, Canada and England:

1. Chisel Smith (London, England)
2. Dr. Olaf Vulvaloopski (San Francisco, USA)
3. Gorgeous George (New York, USA)
4. Ashley White (Toronto, Canada)
5. Vladimir Smirnov (Vancouver, Canada)

According to poll results, the world's sexiest professions are:

1. Entrepreneurs
2. Musicians
3. Fire fighters
4. Athletes
5. Pilots
6. Chefs
7. Doctors
8. TV Personalities
9. Police Officers
10. Web copywriters

"It's refreshing to see a shift from celebrating physical traits and feats like travelling in space to writing good content — it's hard work," said Sloboda. "Content writers now deservedly share the stage with people like Dwayne Johnson, Richard Branson and Jennifer Lopez. It's about time."

How will this change life for Sloboda and other content writers around the globe? "Like other celebrities, we might have to start using aliases when booking appointments at the Apple Genius Bar or attending content conferences," he said. "Web copywriters will need to take the necessary steps to protect themselves from paparazzi and gossip magazines."

Sloboda also verified the rumour that his content agency is considering launching a web copywriter calendar later this year. "We don't want to take the limelight away from firefighter calendars," he said, "but it's something we are discussing behind closed doors, and I think there's enough room in the market for both entities to thrive."

*The noted poll was conducted during March of 2017 and has a substantial margin of error.

Established in 2006, Webcopy+ is a Vancouver, Canada-based web copywriting agency that helps designers and businesses around the globe increase leads and sales with optimized content. Clients range from start-ups to some of the globe's largest service providers. To request interviews or explore smart content, visit www.webcopyplus.com.

Rick Sloboda
[email protected]

Source: Webcopy+


Tags: content writer, content writers, copywriter, copywriters, web copywriter, web copywriters

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Established in 2006, Webcopy+ is a Vancouver, Canada-based web copywriting agency that helps designers and businesses around the globe increase leads and sales with optimized content.

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