Web Hosting News For Business Owners: Now You Can Use Dedicated Servers More Securely!

Dedicated servers are typically used by large organizations to manage the computers served and to insure uniformity in the use of installed software.

Dedicated servers are typically used by large organizations to manage the computers served and to insure uniformity in the use of installed software. In most corporate situations, this server is on a LAN that links all the computers within an secure intranet and gives the system administrator the ability to control user rights to software and computer configuration.

An increasing number of smaller companies are opting to use server host firms to address their special server needs rather than to take on the expense of purchasing, setting up and managing their own server. The advantage to this arrangement is that the company maintains control of all aspects of its computer system use and software while having the server hosting company to manage the technical issues of maintaining and managing the server.

Large hosting companies also have the ability to provide increased bandwidth to clients because the hosting firm has access to lower volume based pricing. Hosting companies can also provide security, software updates and maintenance within the service agreement.

The largest organizations can have several program servers on or linked to their intranets. Each of these servers may run a unique program and limit access to specific authorized users within the organizations. However, the trend has been to reduce the number of individual dedicated program servers on an intranet in favor of having one dedicated server in an office host the necessary programs through the internet and intranet.

The only drawback to Dedicated servers hosting is the lack of industry standards defining the roles of the parties in a hosting agreement. While there are well defined terms used throughout the business, these terms are interpreted and used differently by each hosting organization.


Tags: dedicated, manage, Servers

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Reginald Moses
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