Wecansel Branding Agency produces MedCINECascais Film Festival 09

Branding agency presents first worldwide medicine cinema festival. Dr. Jorge Sampaio, Ex-Portuguese Republic President (1996-2006) and UN representative against Tuberculoses, will be the honour festival President.

Location: Cascais/Lisbon, PORTUGAL, September 16-19, 2009

This will be the first edition of the MedCINECascais Film Festival, a festival that intends to highlight the quality and the precision of some cinematographic productions involving health sciences. Handles subjects like medicine - health / prevention / development / diseases / suffering - and all its perceptions in all the different societies and contexts of life.

The creation of a new film festival is always a dive onto the unknown, but this is a thematic niche which, despite having been widely treated in hundreds of movies and documentaries, it has never been highlighted and chosen as a matter worthy of appreciation or to be awarded.

New talents and authors respond to our calling and come to this meeting in Cascais, in order to present, focus and discuss matters such as health and illness in the daily living of human people. Countries like Spain, France, UK, Brazil, US, Canada, Australia, and others, will be represented with unique films. Detailed program on the festival website: medcinecascais.org

One of festival highlights film "Veronika decides to die", of Emily Young, will open the festival and be first shown in Portugal. This film adapts and is based on romance book launched with same name from famous writer named Paulo Coelho.

"Producing another entrepreneur premium event increases our senior brand identity and ability as an innovative and creative agency, becoming even more focused to create and produce different culture events approaching niche markets." says Nuno Nobre, CEO of Wecansell, on his press communication.

WECANSELL Branding & Event Marketing agency headquarter is located in Lisbon-Portugal. Acting worldwide, we are focused on love branding, advertising & event marketing, engaging brand consumers and passionate them to experience memorable brands in different creative experiential ways. Our portfolio is based on graphic design, branding, advertising, event architecture and production, experiential and promotional marketing, creative merchandising, media & PR support.

For further information, please contact: Wecansell PR Manager
Phone: +351 213523161 Email: [email protected]


Tags: advertising, agency, branding, cascais, CINEMA, festival, Health, lisbon, medical, pharma, portugal, PR, President

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