Doing for Weddings What TripAdvisor Does for the Travel Industry

A New Mexico-based company is gaining traction as it has launched the beta version of a website that helps couples with their wedding planning, while serving as a platform for vendors to advertise and showcase their wedding businesses.

You've heard of TripAdvisor, the travel website that provides directory information and reviews of travel-related businesses, but the creators of a newly launched website called, say their site does for weddings what TripAdvisor has done for the travel industry.

Dariush Vollenweider, co-founder of WeddingAdvisor, said will serve two audiences: Couples and wedding vendors.

Vollenweider explained that on, couples can search for wedding vendors in their area, search through ratings and reviews for vendors and also leave a review of their own experience.

"They can look through tips and ideas that are submitted by people who know the business; wedding vendors," Vollenweider said, before adding, "They can construct a wedding package to meet their budget using our unique pricing feature. They can also save their favorite vendors to their profile."

Vollenweider went on to point out that an even cooler feature on the website is that couples can shop just like they shop for any other product on the Web with a tool it has implemented to allow people to compare wedding vendors, side-by-side, to keep from having to navigate the entire Web for what they are looking for.

"We also allow users to contact these wedding vendors directly through," Vollenweider said.

When it comes to vendors, Vollenweider stressed that, provides the perfect platform to promote their business.

In addition to the exposure, Vollenweider said, vendors will have many benefits, like the opportunity to interact and share their professional knowledge by submitting tips and ideas for couples to see.

"Vendors can advertise their wedding packages or services by taking advantage of a unique pricing system we have created, and have their client's rate and review their services," Vollenweider said. "We also give vendors the opportunity to blog on the blog, and the choice to take advantage of the other options that no one else in the wedding industry is offering now."

The beta model launching of could prove to have perfect timing.

In fact, according to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are more than 2 million weddings in the United States each year, indicating a need for a site like

In addition, projections from the private company, Demographic Intelligence of Charlottesville, Va., recently released a new study, which was published in The USA Today Newspaper, which revealed that weddings have increased over the past year and is expected to continue and upward spiral.

The company projects a 4 percent increase in the number of weddings, reaching 2.168 million this year and 2.189 million in 2014. Depending on the economic recovery, the report projects a continuing increase to 2.208 million in 2015.

" creates a level playing field for those that serve the wedding industry," Vollenweider said. "We give vendors the opportunity to be at the top of the search results by the quality of work they do and not by how much money you pay."

Vollenweider added that as an introductory offer, the company is giving wedding vendors the opportunity to promote their business by subscribing to for a rate of only $5 a month or $50 a year.

"You're not going to find anything that comes close to letting you advertise your wedding business and with all the tools we give vendors to be successful," Vollenweider said. "Five dollars a month is really unheard of, but if they sign up during our beta phase, they will be locked in and that price will never go up. This is an excellent opportunity to get in on the ground floor."

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Tags: Internet, planning, weddings

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Dariush Vollenweider
Press Contact, WeddingAdvisor, LLC