Weed Versus Reid: Libertarians Hold 4/20 Rally in Front of Reid Speaking Engagement
Libertarian candidates Erin Lale, Art Lampitt, and Nate Santucci participated in a pro-legalization event at UNLV in front of a university building where Harry Reid was speaking.
Online, April 21, 2010 (Newswire.com) - Libertarian candidates Erin Lale, Art Lampitt, and Nate Santucci participated in an End Marijuana Prohibition 4/20 Rally at UNLV in front of a university building where Harry Reid was speaking.
The UNLV student Libertarian group organized the event, which included students speaking on a megaphone and carrying protest signs, a Libertarian Party info table manned by the candidates, and free brownies. Many passersby asked if they were "special" brownies, but they were legal fudge brownies.
Lale also focused on balancing the state budget by ending marijuana prohibition in her Cox Cable TV Video On Demand, released Monday April 19. Lale says, "If we end prohibition, we can tax marijuana like tobacco, spend less on prisons, free up police resources to focus on major crimes, cut the profits of gangs and have less border violence, and bring disenfranchised fathers home to the community so kids can grow up with two parents, which will help them do better in school and break the cycle of poverty. We can balance the state budget and fight seven social evils with one repeal just by ending prohibition. I don't smoke anything myself, but putting people in prison for doing so is wasteful and wrong."
Tags: 4/20, Erin Lale, Libertarian, marijuana legalization, Nevada politics, prohibition, Reid, UNLV