WeGoLook.com - An Unique Onsite Fraud Verification Company Featured at AuctionBytes

WeGoLook, a new and unique online fraud verification and personal inspection company, was recently featured in AuctionBytes.

AuctionBytes, an independent trade publication for online merchants recently turned the spotlight on WeGoLook, a unique company that helps put the trust in high-value online transactions. Greg Holden, Contributing Editor at AuctionBytes unearthed WeGoLook, a personal inspection service for anyone who is thinking of purchasing something online.

Each year, literally millions of consumers go online to make a purchase and end up being a victim of fraud or find themselves in the midst of a scam.

WeGoLook is a unique online verification service that helps protect online consumers from being scammed by looking into the things they hope to buy. The WeGoLook online platform of over 7,000 Nationwide "Lookers™" (background check verified) are locally dispatched to an item, auto, property or online date to verify its existence or condition on-site.

"Seeing is believing. That old maxim applies especially to big-ticket items you're thinking of purchasing online. If you're looking for a car that costs $10,000, $20,000 or more and that has to be shipped to you across the country, you want to make very sure the photos and description are accurate and the seller can really be trusted. Perhaps another saying more accurately describes this: Trust but verify." says Greg Holden, AuctionBytes.

WeGoLook lets buyers hire "Lookers" who live in the seller's area and travel to inspect items in person. For $49, an individual can purchase a basic report, prepared by a "Looker" who lives in the seller's area and travels to see the item in person.

According to Greg Holden "The key to the service is the network of Lookers that has been assembled by the company. Lookers can fill out an application on the WeGoLook website (http://www.wegolook.com/OurLookers.aspx) . But they don't just choose anyone. The company conducts background checks to make sure the candidate has no previous felonies."

Sellers, too, can take the initiative and include a link to WeGoLook in their sales descriptions, thus encouraging prospective buyers to have someone inspect their items. "The lack of credibility on the seller's part can be easily overcome by having our independent report posted," says Robin Smith - Co-Founder of WeGoLook.

For more details and to read the full article visit: http://www.auctionbytes.com/cab/abu/y211/m08/abu0292/s02.


Tags: Buying items online, craigslist, ebay, Internet Fraud Protection, online fraud, Personal Inspection Service, WeGoLook

About WeGoLook - Internet Fraud Protection and verification Service

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WeGoLook - Internet Fraud Protection and verification Service
WeGoLook, LLC 100 NE 5th
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
United States