Wellness Programs on the Rise in the American Workplace

As corporate wellness programs gain in popularity, healthy vending is fast becoming an option more and more companies are incorporating.

In recent years, wellness programs have become fundamental features in the benefits plans of many major organizations, most notably Google, which offers employees on-site physicians and nurses, nutritious food options, nap pods and complimentary fitness centers, among other perks. But these initiatives are not exclusive to Silicon Valley giants — more than two-thirds of U.S. employers now offer them as part of their benefits packages, says a new report by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, office wellness programs have become increasingly popular in recent years, growing into an $8 billion industry in 2015, because of the rise of chronic pain and disease in the workplace. Linked to the inactive, sedentary nature of the typical U.S. office, conditions such as depression, hypertension, obesity and back pain are now highly prevalent health issues among employees.

"Organizations have been toying with wellness over the past five to seven years. Time has passed, and research shows wellness programs really do make a difference in reducing overall health care costs."

Evren Esen, SHRM Director of Survey Programs

It is becoming more and more evident to companies that wellness is more than just physical health. Work-site wellness will start to see a shift in initiatives and goals to support total well-being. While total well-being can be harder for employers to monitor versus physical health, it is just as essential to cover in employee wellness. Total well-being takes into account the full spectrum of wellness, including mental, emotional and physical elements.

“Organizations have been toying with wellness over the past five to seven years,” said Evren Esen, SHRM’s director of survey programs. “Time has passed, and research shows wellness programs really do make a difference in reducing overall health care costs.” According to a RAND Corporation study, every $1 invested in overall wellness efforts yields a return on investment of $1.50.

“Employer wellness program implementation has seen some real peaks and valleys, but over the last 10 to 15 years, repeated studies have verified a positive return on investment when programs are implemented, monitored and measured appropriately, and more employers are becoming interested,” says Steven Noeldner, Ph.D, principal and senior consultant in the Total Health Management specialty practice of Mercer Consulting in Newport Beach, Calif. “Employers can go only so far with cost-shifting to employees; they now recognize there are other ways to address the health care cost challenges they’re facing.”

A HealthyYOU Vending machine is a great addition to any corporate wellness program. As the nation’s leading healthy vending company, HealthyYOU Vending makes it easy for companies to get healthy vending at work and promote healthier eating by providing access to healthy snacks and drinks in the workplace — at no cost to the company. There are over 2,500 healthy vending products available, including low-calorie, vegan, gluten-free and organic options. All of the HealthyYOU Vending machines are locally owned and operated via their network of reliable operators so companies have the opportunity to support local small businesses in their own communities.

Going beyond healthy snacks and drinks, HealthyYOU Vending offers employers another option to keep workers on-site instead of leaving the office to get something to eat. With the optional entrée/side dish vendor, employees can have access to a variety of healthy entrées, soups, chili, stews, pasta dishes, hot and cold cereals, fruit cups and more.

A healthy diet has been shown to improve concentration, problem-solving skills and workplace productivity while eating junk food can decrease mental clarity and job performance. Poor diet habits can also lead to increased fatigue, mental irritability and higher levels of stress and depression. When employers bring healthy vending to their location, replacing soda and junk food with nuts, dried fruit, seeds and other healthier options, it can be a simple, viable, cost-effective component of any company wellness program.

For more information about HealthyYOU Vending, its entrepreneurial philosophy and the HealthyYOU difference, go to http://www.healthyyouvending.com.


HealthyYOU Vending is the world leader in the healthy vending industry. Founded by seasoned vending veterans Mike Burnett and Jeff Marsh, their corporate offices are located in Kaysville, Utah. All company vending machines are privately manufactured in the United States at a state-of-the-art facility. Owner/Operator opportunities for serious-minded entrepreneurs are currently available.

Source: HealthyYOU Vending


Tags: employee benefits, employee health, employee wellness, healthy snacking, healthy vending, increased productivity, wellness programs

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HealthyYOU Vending is the world leader in the healthy vending industry. Founded by seasoned vending veterans Mike Burnett and Jeff Marsh, their corporate offices are located in Kaysville, Utah.

Tara Alvey
Press Contact HealthyYOU Vending
HealthyYOU Vending
498 North Kays Drive
Kaysville, UT 84037
United States