West Coast Aerial Photography President Wins First Place at Photography Masters Cup

West Coast Aerial Photography's Burning Bush image receives 1st place, Outstanding Achievement at 5th annual Photography Masters Cup

West Coast Aerial Photography, Inc., today announced that it's President, Mark Holtzman, was presented with 1st Place - Outstanding Achievement in the aerial photography category at the 5th annual International Color Awards Photography Masters Cup Photo Show for his Burning Bush image of Boron, CA. The competition attracted more than 13,000 images from amateur and professional photographers worldwide.

The international jury included names well-known throughout the industry, including Hasted Hunt Kraeutler in New York, Brancolini Grimaldi, David & Goliath, Simon Studer Art Associates, Stills Gallery and Christie's in London. Judges presented 272 title awards in 18 different categories, after viewing thousands of submissions from around the world.

Mr. Holtzman's image, entitled "Burning Bush," was one of eight images chosen in the aerial photography category, alongside images from Europe, Japan and the USA. "It is an incredible achievement to be selected among the best from the 13,321 entries we received this year," said Basil O'Brien, the awards Creative Director. "Mark Holtzman's "Burning Bush," an exceptional image entered in the Aerial category, represents contemporary color photography at its finest, and we're pleased to present him with the title of 1st Prize - Outstanding Achievement in Aerial."

International Color Awards Photography Masters Cup is a leading international award honoring excellence in color photography.


Tags: aerial photography, mark holtzman, photography, photography masters cup, photopilot, west coast aerial photography

About West Coast Aerial Photography, Inc.

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West Coast Aerial Photography, Inc. is a father-son, California-based aerial photography firm specializing in oblique and vertical aerial photography.

Steven Holtzman
Press Contact, West Coast Aerial Photography, Inc.
West Coast Aerial Photography, Inc.
13351-D Riverside Dr. #259
Los Angeles, CA 91423
United States