Wet Weather Prevents Children From Playing Outdoors In Early 2013

The heavy rainfall throughout 2012 lead to the second wettest year on record in the UK, resulting in areas around the country being flooded or incredibly muddy, ruining outdoor play areas for children in January 2013.

Earlier this week 2012 was declared as the second wettest year on record with over 1300 millimetres fallen, 6.6 millimetres short of the record set in 2000.

The BBC reported the summer of 2012 as the wettest in one hundred years. The heavy rainfall earlier in the year saturated the land, meaning further rainfall experienced through autumn and winter had nowhere to drain, causing flooding around the UK.

As a result of the wet weather and flooding many outdoor areas are currently too waterlogged or muddy for use, including children in need of somewhere to play. Outdoor play equipment can become dangerous when the ground around them is soaked, as children could slip and injure themselves, a common occurrence in muddied and wet open play areas.

Keeping children active is important, but when there's nowhere outdoors for children to play it's difficult to find alternatives. A Customer Liaison Representative for House Of Play commented, "Even though conditions are as wet as they are, parents should still be looking for somewhere to take their children to play, keep active and burn off their energy. Indoor play centres are dry and warm no matter the weather outside, giving parents a place for their children to be active without the danger of slipping in the mud and injuring themselves."

Many adults are going to the gym to work off the weight they've put on over the holidays. It's important for children to exercise at this time of year as well, getting them back into the habit of playing or being active for at least an hour a day.

House of Play is the UK's number one manufacturer and supplier of indoor play equipment. They have a wide range of different equipment, used by indoor play centres across the country. Parents can find a safe place for their children to play in any indoor play centre, with indoor play equipment designed to be as safe as possible for those playing on it.


Tags: adventure play systems, child play equipment, childrens soft play equipment, indoor play equipment

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