What Animal Has the Best Driving Record?
Online, September 13, 2013 (Newswire.com) - Lets imagine for a second that animals drove cars, really let that sink in your head as these cute furry,cuddly creatures are driving down the street and honking their horn at you. But what is stop them from running off the road or into a crowded street and killing hundreds of people when they lose control because their little paws couldn't reach the break peddle in time? In this just for fun puff piece we will look at several animals and examine what type of drivers they would be and how much they would pay for car insurance.
The Koala Bear
The koala isn't really a bear like the name suggests, but rather a member of the wombat and kangaroo family. The Koala has claws instead of fingers, so it may have a difficult time turning the wheel of a car. This does however play to its advantage if say we were looking for animals that would make the best straight drag strip drivers.
The average Koala is only 30 inches high so it would be difficult for him to consistently see above the steering wheel and guide the car safely around public roads without constantly causing major traffic accidents.
The Giraffe
Some people argue over how smart a giraffe actually is, but an research of a giraffe's brain formation shows it having the highest development of nervous center of all hoofed animals. The giraffe has the length needed to reach all the pedals in the cars. However just like people born with arms, the giraffe would need a specialized vehicle built so he could drive the car with his hooves. The biggest concern though is that what car would a giraffe fit in?
The Raccoon
Raccoon's lack thumbs but they do have very delicate and small human-like paws. These paws can easily detect the difference from jello to cream corn from simply feeling the bottom of the substance. Since Raccoon are scavengers they will constantly be driving at night and although they can turn the wheel and make all the correct lane changes, they are huge risks because they are color blind. The raccoon would have extreme difficulty stopping at red lights and stop signs.
What would these animals pay for Car insurance?
Well lets assume that animals drive everywhere and its common to see them next to you in the other lane. The koala bear would be similar to an elderly person and how much they pay for car insurance with several accidents on their record. The average price would probably be starting at $250 per month and go up from there. The giraffe would be similar to what a handicapped driver pays for insurance, which can actually be significantly less than your average every day driver. Insurance companies are known to give very hefty discounts to people who are handicapped on auto insurance. The raccoon would get the same type of insurance rates that your every day regular driver would get, meaning he could be the only one to truly achieve cheap car insurance. Why you ask does the Raccoon reign supreme for cheap insurance prices? Because although the Raccoon is color blind he uses the sequence of the traffic light to know when to stop and go. He also notices the shape of the stop sign is always an octagon and stop accordingly.
So which of these animals to would have the best driving record,the answer is difficult to ascertain. we don't know the individual driving habits of each animal, so we can't actually pin point which animal would have the best driving record. What we can do is generalize this whole process and estimate based on what we know.
Tags: car insurance, cheap insurance, Driving Records