What If Peggy Wants To Kill You?

In a world where all of the data centers and most of the IT jobs have been off-shored, Peggy doesn't need a Stuxnet virus to commit an act of terrorism against the global financial network.

What if Peggy only wants to take all of your money? What if Peggy wants to take all of the money from everyone living in your country to start a war that kills you? What if Peggy wants to bankrupt the entire world moving money around without leaving any audit trail forcing countries to go to war?

Peggy probably can.

We've all seen the commercials for the infamous U.S. Prime Credit and their lovely telephone worker Peggy. Some people laugh, others cry remembering their own call center experiences. Very few think about the very real possibilities and global implications Peggy presents.

It's amazing just how many people watch IRT Deadliest Roads any time it is on without thinking beyond the show. There for God and everyone to see is the fact that huge chunks of these countries corporations are sending their data centers and IT jobs to are physically cut off from the rest of the country much of the year. Many of these regions don't even have regular electric power or any form of computerized records ...

yet we are expected to believe Peggy has had the same full and complete background check a U.S. citizen would be put through in order to work at any FDIC insured financial institution.

What if Peggy just wants everyone's identity? Identity theft is a huge and growing industry. In October of 2011, 111 people were arrested in a $13 million dollar operation. Just how good is that kind of offer going to sound to someone getting getting paid $10 per day or less?

Have you ever asked yourself:

"If my bank's data center is located in a third world country, who has the passwords to the accounts that can do everything?"

"If there are no computerized records in the country, how is it a full FDIC compliant background check could be performed?"

"What happens when the identity theft rings find out your bank's data center is in a country where employers couldn't possibly do a background check and even if they could, the person the ring needs to target makes roughly $2400/year?"

I did.

Peggy doesn't need a Stuxnet virus like the one 60 Minutes recently reported on. Peggy already has key card access to the data center and a super user account.

Read Infinite Exposure and find a way out, not just for yourself, but for all of us.


Tags: Banking, fraud, homeland security, identity theft, Terrorism

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