What Rats Can Teach Us About LIfe and Love on the Next Ask Dr Love Radio
Online, June 21, 2014 (Newswire.com) - Ask Dr Love Radio Show
Tuesday, June 24th at 12 Noon EST.
Did you know that rats can teach us a lot about life and love?
If you're like most people, you're a creature of habit. There's actually a technical name for this: the status quo resistance.
This resistance leads most humans to stick with the familiar and resist change.
And when it comes to our relationships, we act the same way again and again, even when our actions don't achieve the desired results.
Tune in to this week's show to find out how rats can help us break out of our unproductive behavioral loops.
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Research shows that stress actually makes us creatures of habit. A report on ABC News revealed that, "Chronic stress 'hijacks' or short-circuits access to the neocortex, so stressed rats and humans become creatures of habit with little flexibility or initiative in setting goals." This is the "cognitive shutdown" that I talk about in Kiss Your Fights Good-bye. This shutdown results from chronic relationship fighting.
Here's what's so diabolical: When we lose flexibility and creative thinking in our intimate relationships, we end up falling into fight cycles that never end, which only causes more stress and less creative thinking. Can you see the vicious cycle?
The ABC news article says that for human beings who are stressed, the first step in treatment is always to reduce stress and help them learn ways to relax.
Obviously, you can't relax if you're always fighting.
To stop the stress that comes from fighting, we need to learn new ways of behaving. That's what Kiss Your Fights Good-bye is all about! When you learn new ways of relating, you stop fighting and the stress goes away.
Tags: Ask Dr. Love radio, couples, dr jamie turndorf, life, love, marriage, relationship advice