What Recession? Economy Spurs Mom to Shop Well-Worn Clothes to Save Money and Start Business
Online, May 15, 2011 (Newswire.com) - As many families across the country continue to cut back in order to make ends meet in this economy, some families are also using the state of the current economy as an opportunity to get creative and make extra money. Ronda Polhill, a Seattle-area mom on a budget, has been proudly dressing her entire family in used, pre-owned and even well-worn clothing and shoes. Yet, her personal finances were still keeping her awake at night. That's when she discovered a way to make money in this economy by focusing on her own family's fashion lifestyle--- clothes and shoes in used and worn condition.
Ronda, a busy married mom of 5, decided to start reselling clothes, shoes and accessories in used and worn condition online. "I didn't even have a shoe-string budget. Fortunately, I was able to start just by hitting our own closets, drawers and shelves at home first."
Almost overnight she became a one-woman research department, sourcing department, marketing department, customer service department and shipping department. Soon, she was making enough money to help her family and shop local thrift stores, garage sales and estate sales for her resell inventory. While other people are shopping for new items with tags or that are in excellent condition, she's dashing in and out of piles of the scruffy looking stuff. "I'm a little different," she laughs, "It's the smell of moth balls that pique my curiosity."
However, after many hit and miss sales, she confides, "My home looked like I was a hoarder with unsold stuff everywhere!" Eventually she created a system that helped her save time, get organized, make money every month from her home, and worked around her family's schedule. "It's not all gloom and doom now. It feels empowering to be able to bootstrap our 'empty pocket days' into 'dollars in our pocket days'," says Ronda.
On her recently launched blog, Resell and Grow Rich http://www.resellandgrowrich.com/blog, Ronda shares her struggles and offers tips, insights and information about how others can resell pre-owned, used and even well-worn clothing, shoes, and accessories in online auctions, like eBay.
Ronda Polhill tells her story and shares steps on a free webinar, 6 Secrets To Turning Your Well-Worn Clothing Shoes And Accessories Into Fast Cash In Online Auctions on Thursday, May 19, 2011 from 6:00 PM -730PM PST. Space is limited. Please visit http://resellandgrowrich-6secrets.eventbrite.com to reserve your space.
Tags: ebay, economy, entrepreneur, moms, personal finance, recession, small business, womens issues