Where Can I Sign Up To Be A Mechanic?

I saw Them Mechanic this weekend. It was pretty cool. Statham kicks butt. I even liked Ben Foster, although most of the time he bugs me.

Hey, Everyone!

Okay, 2 things to admit

1. I love hitman movies

2. I love hitman movies

My dad took me to see The Mechanic when I was a kid(Mom wasn't happy) and I just loved it. Bronson had just the right amount of bad-ass-ness that made him seem cool and dangerous. This story is essentially the same, but I thought the script was pretty good for what it was. Read about the new one:


Ben Foster (left) and Jason Statham star in the remake of The Mechanic.

This review is for entertainment purposes only.
Remember - if it bleeds, we can kill it. Or have sex with it. I can't quite remember...maybe it's both. In that order.

Jason Statham is one of Hollywood's most versatile actors, having done everything from comedy to drama to action to suspense. His range is that of a Gary Oldman or Daniel Day-Lewis. His eyes alone convey so many different emotions it's easy to see why he's garnered so many awards... I'm kidding, of course. Pretty much all this guy does is in movies is kick someone's ass and that trend continues in The Mechanic, a remake of the 1972 Charles Bronson classic. Was the original a classic? Ya, I guess so. I don't know, I'm winging it over here.

I do want to talk more about the screenplay, because for some odd reason that's supposed to be important when I do reviews for this website. The Mechanic doesn't try and bog itself down with too much exposition though we really didn't need so much comic book talk from our villain explaining why he's doing what he's doing. But like I said earlier, today's moviegoer is kind of slow. (They probably don't even know how Inception ended. I know, but I'm not telling. Not my fault you're stupid.) Statham's Arthur is as cold and silent as Bronson's was. Nice touches such as the classical music, and a dossier on the next victim being pinned to a concealed wall are a cool nod to the original. Arthur even has a woman who clearly digs him but he's only there for some stress relief. Though I'm a fan of sex scenes, the two shown here weren't necessary and could have been cut from the film. They were poorly done anyway. Alright, truth be told, I haven't had sex in a while and I don't wanna see other people having sex, even if it's fake movie sex. Just let me live in my empty tissue box filled little world, ok? It's tough writing a review with one hand as you're choking back tears.


Brandon back.

BOO YA! For me, as long as an action movie has a okay story I am there. (ie. Faster with The Rock.) C

source: ScriptMag.com

Let me know what you thing and If you enjoyed this post, please share it on Facebook HERE


Brandon Walters

p.s. Check out my article on the Coen Bros.


Tags: Ben Foster, Jason Statham, movie review, Movies, screenplay, screenwriting, The Mechanic

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