White Glove Services Announces The Introduction Of Part-Time Butlers To The Windermere, FL Area.

You don't have to be rich to have a butler anymore.

At a time when other service providers are scaling back operations, one is pushing the envelope. Launching a luxury based company on the heels of a recession may seem cavalier to some, but to this seasoned business professional it's a well thought out plan that makes perfect sense now.

As Debi Einmo, President and Chief Butler of White Glove Services, explains "A part-time butler is an affordable luxury whose time has come. We have part-time nurses, IT professionals, and executives...why not butlers? With pricing comparable to what most homeowners pay for the combination of house cleaning and pool maintenance, a Butler Team provides the type of cleaning you would do if your mother in law were coming to visit. In a word: Immaculate."

In addition to cleaning and pool services, Butlers-On-Call provides Butlers on a part-time basis to monitor mail, oversee repairs, ensure vehicles are maintained, open/close seasonal homes and provide monthly inspections when seasonal clients are not in residence. A Butler could plan and manage a special event or arrange for repairs and maintenance of a home. By taking care of the little things, a Butler will give you back time to enjoy your life.

Pamela Spruce of the Australian Butler School says "For people who work harder and longer than ever before leisure time is precious, having someone to manage their personal life is no longer a luxury, indeed, it has become a necessity."

About White Glove Services
Founded in 2010 White Glove Services LLC (aka Butlers On Call) provides part-time Butlers in the areas of Cleaning, Event Planning, Pool Maintenance, Household Management, Vacation Home Maintenance and Concierge services. Currently limited to the greater Orlando (Florida) area services are offered on both scheduled and emergency bases. All employees, vehicles and offices are fully licensed and insured.

For more information, visit White Glove Services LLC website at www.butlersoncall.com.


Tags: cleaning service, florida, home cleaning services, janitorial services, Orlando Florida, pool cleaning services, windermere florida

About White Glove Services LLC

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Chris Alan
Press Contact, White Glove Services LLC
White Glove Services LLC
2714 Rew Circle
Suite 300