White Reindeer Productions Spanning the Globe One Drink at a Time...

Deborah Von Brod and Maria Bukhonina have embarked on a world trip to tell a story through the lens of "BOOZE"... Coming soon... www.whitereindeerproductions.com

At White Reindeer Productions, we develop and produce the real-life stories of the extraordinary people around the world. We are based in both New York City and Los Angeles, allowing us to source the best talent in the country to bring these stories to life in the highest production quality.

Our format is reality TV, our range is global, our goal is to show you the things you haven't seen before.

Each week we follow our host to a single country, ranging from the exotically beautiful to
the third world. This show puts us on the ground level -- to local bars, backyards, street festivals, and little-known hideaways that only natives know about. Unlike most show hosts, he's new to these places, making him a more relatable character for the viewer. Neither of us quite know what to expect, not from the culture and certainly not from the drinks.

He is not a professional critic... he isn't a sommelier... he's just a down-to-Earth Boston guy with a taste for liquor and a dream to open up his own bar. Now that he's getting closer to seeing this dream through, he wants to fill up his menu with the world's best drinks. What are people drinking in South America, Asia, and Russia? To find the answers, he's taking a trip around the world. The thing is... he's never been outside the United States.

On his adventure, he learns that drinking isn't about getting hammered. It's about
taking a time out from life to bond with people. Whether sipping backyard moonshine at
an authentic luau in Maui or sampling home-brewed beer with Sherpa's at the base of Mt.
Everest, he's showing all of us how to become a world class booze traveler...


Tags: productions, reindeer, white

About White Reindeer Productions

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Deborah Von Brod
Press Contact, White Reindeer Productions
White Reindeer Productions
1020 NW 5th Street
Miami, FL 33128
United States