'Why Does Love Hurt So Good?'

WOODBRIDGE, Va., November 11, 2019 (Newswire.com) - Keeping the Faith Foundation presents: “Why does love hurt so good?” It’s a question that has many answers with very little understanding. We’ve been told that love and loving someone isn’t supposed to hurt if it’s true love. Unfortunately and realistically, it can and sometimes does. Only those who have experienced love before or are currently experiencing it can understand all the craziness, the ups and downs, the emotional ride, and unexplained things many of us are willing to do to have someone in our lives to love us. In this book, you will learn about relationship situations most of us deal with but are reluctant to talk about openly, because many are embarrassed to admit to others that we have gotten played or played someone in our relationships. For many of us to heal and have relationships, we must talk about our issues and concerns with one another. Can we talk about it?
It’s hard to explain to someone on the outside looking in “why” a person would stay with someone who isn’t treating or loving them the way they should. Many would say that staying is foolish, not healthy or normal, and many of them would be right. But for you to understand the “why,” you must experience loving someone first. Until you do, you have no idea the power that love has over many of us and all the countless adjustments we are willing to make, the bad behaviors we will allow, and the sacrifices we will go through to feel loved by someone.
Within these stories, you will read, experience, understand, and learn what all those seeking love would do, allow, and put up with to have someone to love them. For those involved, “right and wrong” were known and understood but served a minimal purpose in their quest for happiness. Sex, lies, deception, betrayal, abuse, and infidelity were just a few traits used to obtain what they thought would make them happy in their relationship. As you read, you will, at some point, have to “rethink what you thought you knew” about love, because contrary to what many people think and believe, “Not all love is good love that we receive from those ‘we’ love.”
Source: Keeping the Faith Foundation
Tags: #dontstopyouerlove, #Iflovingyouis wrongIdontwanttoberight, #letmeloveyouupanddown, #lovedontpaythebills, #lovemakesthingshappen, #lovewillmakeyoudowrong, #makeitlastforever, #marriage, #neverknewlovelikethis, #relationships, #whatslovegotodowithit, lovehurts