Why Golf Course Owners are Extremely Happy

Lake Worth, FL, November 15, 2016 (Newswire.com) - Golf is a prestigious sport loved by many people across the world. With the contributing factors of its relaxing atmosphere, beautiful courses, perfectly set grass, and small bodies of water, golf is a sport that can heavily rely on the consequences of Mother Nature. If a golf course floods, golfers have to choose another course to play and in return, golf course owners lose money and potential clients.
“Golf course owners contacted us regarding the inability to obtain flood insurance on their greens and bunkers. They explained the cost of damages they were facing regarding flooding damages, and what could be done to prevent them, so we came up with a solution,” said Stephen Gill, CEO of Flood Risk America & Flood Risk Canada.
We have hit our hole-in-one with this concept.
Tiffany Largey, COO
Flood Risk America and Flood Risk Canada are sister companies that specialize in flood assessment and mitigation techniques. Stephen Gill, along with his business partner, Tiffany Largey were determined to find a solution to keep golf courses from flooding, golf course owners happy, and golfers still playing their beloved sport.
They created a detailed assessment of every green and bunker, including the clubhouse and any other structure lying within the perimeters of each course. From this flood risk assessment, they found which areas would have the potential risk of flooding and then devised an individualized flood plan for each golf course.
“We share the same type of excitement people acquire when they play golf and feel that we have hit our hole-in-one with this concept. We are truly excited to help many golf course owners maintain their business and golfers to continue improving their game,” Tiffany Largey, Partner and COO.
Visit us on the web. http://www.floodriskamerica.com
Source: Flood Risk America/Flood Risk Canada
Tags: Donald Trump, Flood, Flood mitigation, flood prevention, Flood Risk, flood solutions, golf, golf course, golf course owners, mitigation, Risk Management