Why Non-smokers Should Protect Electronic Cigarette

Shocking facts people do not realize: 600.000 people die from passive smoking each year worldwide; nearly 50% of all people are regularly exposed to the harmful effects of smoke. First ones to suffer are children and pets.

"Shocking facts people do not realize: 600.000 people die from passive smoking each year worldwide; nearly 50% of all people are regularly exposed to the harmful effects of smoke. First ones to suffer are children and pets. It is yet another global problem we close our eyes on."

"Yes, authorities endorse laws to prohibit smoking in public places. Yes, they care about smoke-free environment, about our health. But the percentage of passive smokers does not go down. Whereas there is a solution, a device that is an alternative for both sides. Why not to use it? Why by all means government bodies ban, tax, limit, prohibit electronic inhalators? Seems like tobacco giants, governors and people themselves are choosing to deny reality as a way to avoid an uncomfortable truth about second-hand smoking."

"The problem here is also that everyone heard about e cig, but seems like nobody understands the backbone of it. We passive smoke not by our own choice. If you think about it- it is an abuse of our rights, so tenderly cherished in liberal community. E cigarette is a device that upholds the right to live in a smoke-free environment and at the same time protects your right to smoke. Non-smokers should understand that it is in their interest to make smokers switch if they cannot quit."

"Electric cigarette has nearly nothing in common with a traditional one. The only two things that are: nicotine and that its look resemble a traditional cigarette. Whereas drinking an apple juice from a proper wine glass also resembles a process of drinking wine. The device is called a cigarette only in terms of marketing, so that to attract smokers. In real it is an inhalator that does not produce any smoke, only vapor. If there is no smoke, there is no passive smoking. Proved: during vaping 98% of nicotine is absorbed by a smoker . Not to mention no-nicotine electronic cigarettes."

"Nevertheless people and governors continue to be negative about electronic cigarettes. They still consider vaping to be the same as smoking. Probably it is not enough that we and our children breathe-in all possible fumes in the cities. Additionally seems like we are against the progress that offers a compromise. Gradually we switch to e-cars, why don't we switch to e-cigarettes? It is hard to quit smoking once and forever, it is an addiction. Only 3% of smokers give up smoking by the willpower and 7% by the nicotine replacement therapy ."

"Ideally, if everyone switches to e-cigarette, imagine we could have a smoke-free environment. Unfortunately, not so many people, who suffer from second-hand smoke, promote electronic cigarettes as a solution. By prohibiting smoking we do not solve a problem, it is not effective. Why not to try replacing it with a high-tech device instead? Giving electronic cigarette as a present to a smoker. Telling smokers that you do not want to breathe their smoke. Look, it is the 21st century, where technology offers an alternative. It is our right to live in a smoke-free environment. Think and care yourself, make them think and care too. Compromise it."

"More information on taxation, banning, limitations and other issues is expected to be released in our next hotline articles." - says Konstantins Serjapins, Co-owner of AirSmoke electronic cigarette brand.

About AirSmoke

AirSmoke on no account promotes smoking. We operate on electronic cigarette market for more than 3 years and our main policy is to provide up-to-date truth data on the device. No misleading information, only facts. We prioritize ethics and esthetics here. In some countries, there are no limitations on selling e cigarettes to minors. Again from the very first day of operation on the market our on-line shop prohibits sales to those under 18. AirSmoke also developed an "E-Cigarette" sign for the convenience of e-cig vapers. Our main goal is to ensure the compromise between smokers and non-smokers and create a smoke-free environment. AirSmoke - free of smoke.


Tags: e-cigarette, electronic cigarette, smoking


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