Why Super Wealthy Don't Get Term Life Insurance
Online, February 21, 2011 (Newswire.com) - Any insurance agent may offer you a term life insurance for your family. If your goal is to pass on your wealth to them, then definitely give the term life insurance a shot.
But, Felicia Waters is reporting that many of the super rich are using life insurance to get paid month after month tax free. Also, they are using life insurance as their own personal banks.
While more and more Americans are losing retirement, it appears that this new life insurance policy could help regular Americans secure their financial future for their family while alive.
Report on why term life insurance is not used by the super rich.
"More Americans are getting swindled by having the wrong life insurance policy. The super rich are not getting the same policies as most Americans. Simply because they would like to receive payments while they are alive and well."
"You don't need to be dead to collect on life insurance. The super rich have been using life insurance as their own bank. This "infinite banking" is a concept which allows you to truly build your financial future and security. Read more on life insurance as an investment."
"As for most Americans, they simply do not understand that some policies are just not what they need. If you are looking for compensation while you are alive. Then you will need to get the right policy."
"Read below the story I found that I hear a lot about.... Unfortunately, this could of been avoided if they had read through the blog and talked to financial advisers."
Read the rest of why term life insurance is not used by the super rich.
New policies are available which help secure your financial future. Most have been used for years by the super rich. Even the wealthy have used life insurance policies to create their own banks.
1800InsuranceToday.com Reports:
"Life insurance is not only for securing your families future. Yes, you do want to make sure your family is safe and financially taken care of when your gone. But, you can use life insurance to pay yourself monthly while alive and well. To enjoy your retirement with your family."
"Felicia has been lucky enough to schmooz with some of the affluent to understand how the use life insurance to setup their own personal banks. You can read about the infinite banking concept to leverage your life policy."
"Now more Americans are finding out about life insurance as a great investment as you see in this news article from BC Local News
"Investors don't usually think of insurance as part of their investment strategy, but they should."
Learn more about this new life insurance policy creating super wealth for struggling Americans.
If you would like to learn more about how the wealth leverage life insurance and secure their future. Felicia has a life insurance facbook page to share her stories with the ultra rich.
Educate yourself on how the ultra rich leverage life insurance.
Tags: life insurance policies, Retirement Planning, Term Life Insurance