Why You Should Not Use "Do It Yourself" Pest Control Methods?
Online, February 25, 2010 (Newswire.com) - No matter where you live, I am sure that you have or have had some kind of infestation in your house. From tiny bed bugs to scary cockroaches, flies to mice, pests are everywhere. They have always been with humans and don't seem to go away anytime soon. But we can at least keep them away from our homes. Pest control is the only option to ensure that your home is free of these unwanted guests.
The pests problems in our cities have given birth to a whole new market of do it yourself pest control products. One visit to your local grocery or home improvement store and you will realize that there are literally hundreds of products available in the market which claim to get rid of various pests. TV commercials and print ads want us to believe that we can exterminate infestations all by ourselves. But the truth is that extermination of any kind of pests is much more complicated than just using a trap or spray in your house. Most pests have great survival skills and unless, until you go after them in a persistent manner, you can't get rid of them.
True, some people do get rid of infestations through these "Do it yourself" extermination kits, but not every infestation is the same. Such kits can be very useful in case of a superficial infestation i.e. an infestation that has just begun and has not got the time to create a strong footing in the house. But the problem is that most infestations go completely out of notice in their initial stages. Pests like bed bugs, termites, moths, cockroaches etc. are very small in size and they generally live in the dark, tiny spaces of the house where they don't get much attention. But the problem starts when their population grows and the damage caused by them becomes apparent.
Honestly, if you think that you can exterminate thousands of pests in various parts of your house with a can of bug spray, then I would say that you are being a little naive. You may see a little success and see many dead bugs and mice lying around in the corners of your house. But this is not a permanent solution as in order to be successful, the extermination should be massive; that means, it should kill each and every bug in one go. If even one bug is left, then there is a huge chance that the infestation will return.
So, make sure that you call for professional help at the right time. There are a number of pest control services out there and you won't have any problem in finding the one that suits your requirements the best. You can also search the internet to find a good exterminator.
For more info: http://www.nypestpro.com
Tags: bed bugs, Exterminator, pest control