Why Your Body Needs Antioxidants

In ancient times, people ate very simply. They ate what they could find, what they could kill and what they could reach

In ancient times, people ate very simply. They ate what they could find, what they could kill and what they could reach. There were no supermarkets, no fast food joints and no convenience foods. In some instances they suffered if there was scarcity. The water was pristine. There was no coffee, no sodas and no adrenal-crashing energy drinks.

Today of course, we have all of that and more. Life is full of choices for foods and beverages. Anything you can think of to eat or drink is available. Of course unprocessed foods and pure, clean water is of course ideal, but the typical North American diet is far from unprocessed and most people don't even eat vegetables or drink water. http://cheatsforpoptropica.blogspot.com

The need for antioxidants is even greater than ever. All of those processed foods and drinks are very acidic in themselves and also produce a lot of metabolic acids and free radicals in the body. Antioxidants naturally found in the food we eat can usually take care of the problems we encounter provided our diets consist of organic fresh fruits and vegetables and organic meats, but in most instances that is not the case.

That is why there is a proliferation of antioxidant supplements on the market. Our effect of our current diets is like the house is burning down and there is no fire alarm going off. Metabolic acids in the body produce what is called silent inflammation. It is like the acids are irritating your tissues but you can't feel it yet. The inflammation is there aging your body but you won't feel it until it reaches critical mass and you start noticing little aches and pains here and there.

It's not really a good idea to wait until you start feeling pain in your body. You need a steady stream of antioxidants to take care of the inflammation so it doesn't get worse. One of the best ways to get a steady stream of antioxidants is to drink antioxidant, alkaline water. If you don't know what it is check out Cerra Water on the internet.

Antioxidant, alkaline water contains essential alkaline minerals and lots of negative hydrogen ions which the body thrives on. You typically get this type of water from an electric water ionizer. Now you can get it much more inexpensively and conveniently with an antioxidant water pitcher. You just fill up the pitcher and wait until it runs through the filter. Voila! Long healthy life as close as your kitchen faucet, with all the essential healthy minerals and none of the pollutants. http://varietyhomefurniture.pcriot.com


Tags: antioxidants, Body, Needs

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