Wide Fit Shoes Uncovers How Increase In Obesity Is Causing Wider Foot Problems

Wide Fit Shoes discusses how it's not just our waists that are getting bigger. Feet are getting larger too.

Doctors and podiatrists are seeing increasing numbers of people with serious foot problems - and some believe that obesity is to blame.

Dr. Oliver Zong, an American foot expert believes weight gain has laid the foundations for wider, larger feet.

He told HealthNewsDigest.com: "By placing more pressure on your feet as you stand or walk the joints and ligaments have to work harder to maintain foot structure - and the more pressure your feet have to accommodate the more your feet will splay or stretch out when you bear weight. Overtime your feet will stop 'bouncing back' and they will eventually just stay wider."

London-based shoe retailer Jesol Umeria, MD at Wide Fit Shoes (http://www.widefitshoes.co.uk) has been specialising in helping people with wider feet for years - and now business is booming.

He says: "We see people's misery every day of the week - and it's not just those with weight problems. Our shop staff and our 24/7 Helpline are helping more and more customers who are in so much discomfort they just don't know what to do."

He adds: "So many people, especially women, fail to wear the right shoes. They will flog their feet to death in ill-fitting footwear because they wrongly believe they can't buy the right style and fashions at the right price in wider/larger foot sizes."

And growing numbers of UK brides too are really putting their foot in it when they walk down the aisle, according to Umeria.

"More and more brides are spending their big day in pain - on what should be the happiest day of their lives", he says.

"Wearing the wrong shoes can cause a host of problems including bunions, corns, hammer toes and even tumours. The population at large is growing but most shoes are still made to fit a size that is increasingly no longer average."


Tags: bunions, larger feet, wide fit shoes, wider feet

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