Will You Be Able To Take The Most Important Step In Creative Screenwriting?

Don't know how to get started on becoming a great creative screenwriter?

Hey, everyone!

Creative screenwriting is one of the greatest art-forms that there is. Without it we would never have had Star Wars, Lord of the Rings Alien, the Matrix, and so many other examples of new, ground breaking material. In the same way as Mr. Cameron gave us such outstanding firsts like Titanic, and Avatar, the new breed of creative screenwriting champions are going to take us on hitherto unimagined journeys.

Creative screenwriting is a special talent, one that creates new worlds, new environments and new ways of interpreting the everyday things that we see around us. But how an earth do you get started on becoming a great creative screenwriter?

The problem is that there is no exact formula as to what makes for great creative writing. Writing a screenplay is somewhat like writing a novel, but whereas the average novel may consist of approximately 120,000 words, the average screenplay consists of only 20,000 words, and yet it still has to visually display to the reader , (or the watcher), the same depth of insight and intuition that can be gained from the far wordier novel. This is one of the things that makes creative screenwriting so tough.

I would say that the one thing that all good creative have in common is persistence. If I had a dollar for every aspiring creative screenwriter that managed to write one screenplay, poured their heart and soul into, then gave up because they couldn't get it adopted, I'd be a rich man. It's only by persisting, by hanging on in there and writing more and more, that you'll ever get the opportunity of one day getting discovered. The more you write, the better your writing will become. The more you write, the better your interpretation will become and of course the more influence you will absorb and the more ideas and angles you will develop.

There are also lots of courses that are available to help budding creative screenplay authors to develop their talent. But it's not the creative instinct that they nurture, that must come from inside you. No, it is the framework, and the principles of best practice that these courses can teach you. You need this sort of discipline in order to develop your skill. It gives you the platform to be ready to put your new creative ideas down, in a way that producers and directors can relate to, and that will win you the recognition that you are aiming for.

But creative screenwriting is not just about creating new ideas. It's just as much about putting a totally new slant on existing ideas, or putting your own interpretation to existing material. This new interpretation can bring a whole new lease of life into old tired genres. Yes, of course technology can take a part, and technology has come on leaps and n bounds in the last decade with computer enhanced graphics making it possible to display almost anything in fantastic living, breathing detail.

This new technology opens the boundaries even more, and gives creative screenwriting an almost unlimited scope in which to operate. And yet the films that stun, do not have to be brim full of new technology. They can also play on emotion, and show a totally new stance and interpretation of old style themes and stories. It's all within the mind, the imagination, and the skill of the creative screenplay writer.

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Fade Out,


p.s. Are You Thinking About Selling Your Screenplay Right Now? Find Out Why You NEED To Be


Tags: fiction, final draft, Non-Fiction, novel, screenplay, screenwriter, script, scriptwriter, story, structure, writer

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