Wilson Learning and Authors Steve Buchholz and Tom Roth Announce the Release of New Book 'Unplugged: How Organizations Lose Their Energy and How to Get It Back'

EDINA, Minn.,, April 18, 2019 (Newswire.com)
“Every business leader and CEO needs to heed the invaluable advice of the authors in this book for the only way to create true sustainable success.”
—Joe Grabowski, Retired CEO, Wenck
Wilson Learning, a global leader in leadership development, along with authors Tom Roth, COO of Wilson Learning Worldwide, and Dr. Steve Buchholz, a leader in the field of leadership and change management, announce the release of the new book Unplugged: How Organizations Lose Their Energy and How to Get It Back.
Unplugged focuses on what happens to employees who lose their way amidst change, becoming disconnected from their purpose, direction, meaning, and value. This must-read book examines how to restore lost energy and the critical role leaders play. Based on a combined 60 plus years of experience working with organizations in the areas of leadership, change management, and engagement, Unplugged shares compelling insight and thought-provoking questions to engage readers in creating an engagement strategy for their organization.
“Leaders are the catalyst to reengaging the workforce,” Mr. Roth explains. “Leaders either give energy or take energy out of the organization. Ultimately, the role of leadership is to influence how change is perceived, as well as the choices employees make about how they will use their energy.”
Dr. Buchholz shares, “One of the key aspects of a highly engaged work culture is having leaders who understand what it means to give energy to the organization, rather than take it away. In Unplugged, we share what influences employees’ choice to be engaged and introduce the five key elements to maintain engagement or recover lost engagement.”
While Mr. Roth and Dr. Buchholz acknowledge that engagement is not a new topic, the level of employee engagement has declined, with the greater challenge being not how to engage employees in the first place but how to reengage employees who were once engaged but have since lost their energy.
As Dr. Blake Leathe, President of the Leathe Group, LLC, asks, “When was the last time you read something so essential and so fundamental that it was, seemingly contradictory, also awe-inspiring and revelatory?”
Alberto Pérez La Rotta, author of Integrated Business Transformation, remarks,
“If you are waiting for wise advice on how to preserve the emotional engagement inside your organization, add value to your clients, and build sustainability and differentiation, this is the right book for you.”
Mr. Roth concludes, “Ultimately, leaders will not be judged so much by how well they lead, but by how well they are followed.”
To order the book on Amazon, click here.
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About Dr. Steve Buchholz
Dr. Steve Buchholz is a recognized leader in the field of change management. Along with Harry Woodward, Dr. Buchholz authored the business bestseller Aftershock: Helping People Though Corporate Change. Dr. Buchholz also wrote The Positive Manager and coauthored Creating the High-Performance Team with Tom Roth. He holds a doctorate in Organizational Sociology from the University of Nebraska.
Dr. Buchholz works with a variety of companies focusing on leadership capacity, high-performance teams, mobilizing the energy of the organization (change management), talent retention, engagement, and developing strategic alignment.
An important part of his work has become one-on-one coaching, helping individuals refind their smile, discover their potential, and move to mastery.
About Tom Roth
Tom Roth is Chief Operating Officer of Wilson Learning Worldwide. With more than 40 years of experience developing and implementing human performance improvement solutions, Mr. Roth is responsible for the strategic direction and business performance of Wilson Learning Worldwide operations. In addition, he leads the global marketing services and R&D solutions group, which is responsible for the research and development of all solutions and position papers. Mr. Roth assists global executive leadership teams with issues related to employee engagement, leadership development, strategy alignment, and business transformation. Before assuming his current role, he was President of the global R&D and solution development groups and also served as President of Wilson Learning Americas.
About Wilson Learning—Improving Performance Through People
For more than 50 years, Wilson Learning has worked with organizations of all sizes, in nearly every industry and location around the globe, to enhance the performance of their leaders, salesforce, and workforce. Our holistic approach combines proven learning content, consulting expertise, learning services, and an award-winning extended learning system that ensures reinforcement and application. Wilson Learning Worldwide is a global leader in human performance improvement solutions with operations in over 50 countries worldwide, including Japan and the United States, incorporating over 30 languages.
For more information, visit www.WilsonLearning.com or call 800.328.7937.
Press Contact:
Nancy Brenny
Wilson Learning
[email protected]
Source: Wilson Learning
Tags: employee engagement, Engagement, Leadership, Leadership Book, Leading, New Book, reengagement, Unplugged