Win Free Accommodation in Boracay for 2 Nights and 3 Days by Joining 7Stones Boracay Resort Hotel's Blog Contest!
Online, December 16, 2009 ( - 7Stones Boracay Suites has recently launched a blog writing competition for all blog enthusiasts, 18 years and older.
To participate in the 7Stones blog contest, individuals just simply need to write and post an article with 350-400 words. Bloggers can focus on Boracay island's splendor and 7Stones Boracay Suites facilities, accommodation and location. Blog entries with the highest traffic and most creative wins the prize!
It is a must to mention the phrase "7Stones Boracay Resort Hotel" and hotel in boracay or boracay beach resort (either of the two but it is imperative to mention 7Stones Boracay Resort Hotel and any of the 2 given keywords) at least 3 times on the article. 7Stones Boracay Resort Hotel must also me mentioned in the title.
Below are further details on how to join, where to send the entries, contest mechanics, contest requirements, judging criteria and prizes:
Contest Requirements:
1. Open to all bloggers 18 years old and above
2. Open to non-Filipinos
Contest Mechanics:
1. Write a 350-400 word blog post about 7Stones Boracay Suites (
2. The title of your post must be "7Stones Boracay Suites Resort Hotel"
3. Mention the phrase "7Stones Boracay Suites Resort Hotel" at least 3 times on your blog post and should link back to (i.e. 7Stones Boracay Suites Resort Hotel)
5. Embed the map along with the contact details and address of 7Stones Boracay Suites in your post.
6. E-mail your name, email address, and blog link to [email protected] (copy furnish to [email protected])
7. Submit your entries from December 18 - 29 (11:30AM)
8. 7Stones Boracay Suites reserves the right to reject or edit any entry, for any reason including: use of profanity, plagiarism, etc.
You agree that your submission is original and have never been published elsewhere.
9. You agree to allow 7Stones Boracay Suites to use your submission and your name for any promotional purposes.
10. 7Stones Boracay Suites will have non-exclusive, ongoing rights to publish it and promote the article in any format it chooses ONLY for winning entries
Winners will be announced on January 30 2009 and will be informed via e-mail
Judging Criteria
1. 30% Quality of Content and creativity
2. 30% SEO using - how they rank in google using the term "7Stones Boracay Suites Resort Hotel"
3. 10% Writing style / originality
Winners will receive:
1st prize: 2-NIGHT STAY with breakfast for 2 pax at 7Stones Boracay Suites
2nd prize: Over night stay at 7Stones Boracay Suites
3 Consolation prizes: Dinner for two at 7th note when they stay over night at 7Stones
Tags: 7stones boracay suites, blog contest, blog contest philippines