Windpower Technology Supports Increasing Public Demands For Renewable Energy

'If you want to change the world, start with yourself' - a useful reference when it comes to tackling global warming. Carbon dioxide - nature's number one enemy - is now the public's enemy as well.

Environmentalists have been warning people for more than 50 years that they should look for alternatives to fossil fuels and explore options to reduce our consumption of oil and other natural products to protect not only nature, but the human race as well.

Today it seems that public support for renewable energy is growing exponentially, with more and more people trying to make a change to their lifestyle: switching off the lights, using public transport or installing wind turbines. Wind turbines in Scotland, for example, have become increasingly popular and even the technology giants, e.g., Apple working on a wind turbine projects.

On the company website, Windpower Technology salutes the world's decision to make a change and supports people who want to live an eco-friendly life by offering them access to renewable energy in Edinburgh and Scotland, UK.

'The UK has 40% of Europe's total wind energy' says Windpower Technology managing director Tom Morley, 'and benefits from some of the highest average wind speeds in Europe, making it an ideal candidate for wind energy. Scotland has massive green energy potential. It is a windy country; we have more wind, more daylight hours and more rural land than other European countries.'

Mr Morley also draws attention towards the benefits brought by wind and solar energy systems. With oil and gas costs rising, those who resort to natural sources of energy will not only benefit nature, but also their own pockets. 'If you are not thinking in environmental terms, let me put it in financial terms: while gas and oil cost you money', says Mr Morley, 'wind and sunlight bring you money. It's as easy as that'.

In the opinion of Windpower Technology, a small 5 or 10 kW turbine installed on a domestic scale will not only cut down the carbon footprint of its owner, but it will also generate income. On their website it states, 'the Government pays you for generating energy and for exporting spare energy to the national grid. On top of that, with soaring conventional electricity prices, you should achieve substantial savings on your electricity bills too'. The company considers this to be one of the main reasons why more and more people choose to install wind turbines in Scotland.

They predict that as the trend grows, the number of those who will contact a renewable energy company will naturallyincrease. One of the decisive factors in choosing such a company will be the quality of their products.


Tags: renewable energy edinburgh, wind power scotland, wind turbine edinburgh

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Tom Morley
Press Contact, Windpower Technology Ltd.
Windpower Technology Ltd.
124 Magdalene Drive, Edinburgh
Scotland, United Kingdom
EH15 3BE
United Kingdom