Windsor Senior Living Announces Fall Seminar Series
Online, August 31, 2010 (
Fraud & Scan Seminar Offers Protection for Seniors:
Thursday, September 23, 8 am to Noon
As many as 10 million Americans a year are victims of identity theft. In 2003 and 2004, the Identity Theft Resource Center surveyed victims of identity theft and reported the findings in a paper called The Aftermath Study. These results are a good estimate of the effects of identity theft on its victims and the types of identity theft crimes that are committed. The time alone involved in being a victim of identity theft averages 330 hours per victim. Additionally, about 30% of the victims spend four to six months dealing with their case.*
To help seniors avoid being scammed, Windsor Senior Living is offering the Fraud & Scam Seminar for seniors, caregivers and professionals. This event will help seniors and their families determine how to protect their documents and their identity.
Participants will learn how to prevent identity theft, mail fraud, Medicare fraud, securities scams, and telemarketing scams, with expert speakers from various enforcement agencies, including the Attorney General's office, Federal Trade Commission, Medicare, Social Security Administration, and the Dallas Area Center on Aging. Action Shred of Texas will also be on site to offer free document shredding services to participants.
To register, either call 972-354-4444, or visit the website at and select RSVP. Please invite your family and friends to this informative and important seminar.
(*For more information and statistics on monetary costs, practical and emotional costs, and uses of victim information after identity theft, visit
Arthritis Foundation to Hold Free Expo at Windsor Senior Living: Saturday, October 2, 9 am to Noon
An estimated 40 million people in the United States have arthritis or other rheumatic conditions. By the year 2020, this number is expected to reach 59 million. Rheumatic diseases are the leading cause of disability among adults age 65 and older.*
Anyone living with arthritis knows the pain and discomfort that this ailment causes. An expert panel of speakers will present important information and current research on this topic at the free Arthritis Expo at Windsor Senior Living on October 2 from 9 am to Noon.
Sponsored by The Arthritis Foundation, this free educational program will feature Dr. Lankhanpal, a local rheumatologist, speaking about the latest treatment options for arthritis and a question-and-answer session. Also featured will be information about a free Prescription Medication Assistance Guide, a speaker on nutrition and arthritis, exercise demonstrations, door prizes, and more. A free lunch will be provided for all who register by September 25.
To register, call 972-354-4444, or visit the website at and select RSVP.
(*Source: excerpt from Questions and Answers About Arthritis and Rheumatic Diseases: NIAMS)
AL #129633
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Tags: assisted living, certified memory care, dallas, Independent living, living, senior, Texas, windsor