Wines Guidebooks by Gilbert & Gaillard

Discover new vintages and get information about the location of vineyard regions through Gilbert& Gaillard wines guidebook

It is necessary for wine lovers to possess a wines guidebook to help them discover new vintages and get clear indications of the quality of the wines. Wine is a product accessible for all and its varieties give the public the opportunity to experience new flavors and original scents from different vineyard regions. The fact that wine producers are nowadays very numerous and diverse, it could be quite difficult to match a given type of wine to a specific dish or delicacy.

On Wines guidebooks

A wines guidebook is a very useful mean for people who are passionate about wine to have. It will give them the possibility to experience new products and get some information about vintages and the location of vineyard regions. Those wines guidebooks are supported by events organized by the publishers and the editors like wine tasting with the presence of oenologists and wine experts and critics in order to respect the already established process.

Generally, a good guidebook should be objective and impartial. Furthermore, the people who contributed to its editing should be well-known and respected in the wine industry. It is possible to find many books and published works devoted to wine but not all of them are reliable. It is; therefore, very important to know how to choose the one that may satisfy your expectations. Gilbert & Gaillard publishes a renowned wines guidebook which is also available in many other languages. It is a great tool to use for all wine lovers.

Gilbert & Gaillard, a worldwide recognized wines guidebook

Gilbert & Gaillard is a company dispatched worldwide. It publishes every year a world class wine guidebook. The one published in 2014 contains more than 7000 samples which are graded and assessed according to some well-defined criteria.

The company has been publishing guidebooks for more than 20 years. Additionally, the published works are also available in 9 other languages such as: French, English, Chinese, and Japanese… The grading system is recognized worldwide and in order to promote impartiality, Gilbert& Gaillard adopt a blind wine tasting method.

The company also has applications available for Android and iPhone users in order to provide the customers a permanent access anytime and anywhere. They also have the capability to provide a list of 30000 already graded and assessed wines with all the comments from previous tasting. Finally, they also edit another specialized magazine distributed in 21 countries.

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Tags: Gilbert & Gaillard, wine lovers, wines guidebook