Wines Made Easy Goes Mobile

Ireland's newest wine website Wines Made Easy, have launched a mobile friendly version of their website to complement ( is Ireland‟s newest wine website. Brought to you from the lovely people at Flowers Made Easy, Wines Made Easy is the most interactive and socially active wine website this side of your modem. With over 800 wines to choose from on the site, they provide some of the biggest choice in the Irish market.

A Report compiled by AMAS in association with the Irish Internet association says that over 37% of Irish people own a smart phone allowing them to browse and purchase products on the Internet. With this level of consumers capable of purchasing through their phone, Wines Made Easy director Eamonn Grant, believes that it is the perfect time to start focusing on mobile commerce. "Mobile commerce is set to grow more than any other form of consumer business in the next 3 years so we thought we would get involved at the outset and be the leader in this form of online wine purchasing", Grant said.

The report predicts "the acceleration in Smartphone use will stimulate demand for mobile commerce in Ireland - and forecasts that €800 million worth of transactions will be conducted through mobile devices in 2012. Already mobile commerce has taken off internationally, and often for some unlikely product categories." A trend that shows the potential and necessity of developing a mobile site for any ecommerce business. Wines Made Easy's users can search wines by type, grape or country, browse all gifts as well as special and discounted offers.

No matter where they are wine drinkers can now order their favourite bottle conveniently from their Smartphone. Life is busy enough so whenever somebody needs some bottles of wine for the up-coming party on the weekend they just need to search, click and order the wine and Wines Made Easy does the rest making, home delivery convenient to anywhere in Ireland.

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For more information contact:
Eamonn Grant
Wines Made Easy
P: 01 2176100
M: 086 8055204.
E: [email protected]


Tags: mobile site, order wine from your smartphone, Order Wine Online

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