Winston Grey Top Performers to Attend Leadership Conference

Top performers at Winston Grey are set to attend the company's leadership conference. The director of operations discussed the importance of networking.

The executives at Winston Grey are looking forward to attending the organization’s upcoming leadership conference. “We are excited to invite our top performers to this gathering,” said Greyson, the firm’s director of operations. “This allows us to recognize their contributions while giving them an opportunity to develop their skills.”

The objectives of the conference will focus on leadership development and team building. “Our top leaders have a combination of innate talent, management skills, and business knowledge,” said Greyson. “It is our objective to continually hone their skills so they can propel their teams to success.” The meeting will focus on team motivation, managing obstacles, and fostering innovation. “To be an effective leader, you need to be able to bring out the best in people,” she added.

"Experience is the best teacher. There is no substitute."

As part of the event, attendees will have opportunities to learn from industry leaders. “Real-world experiences are what matter most,” said Greyson. “We want our leaders to learn from the best in the business.” Recognized professionals will host workshops to discuss their successes and near-misses in business. “We want our people to see how the industry’s top achievers turned adversity into success,” said Greyson. “Experience is the best teacher. There is no substitute.”

Winston Grey Management Encourages Networking

A set of sessions will be dedicated to the importance of networking. “Establishing and utilizing contacts can help you improve your standing as a business person,” said Greyson. “It is a very effective business tool.” Attendees will participate in role-playing activities to better understand how to develop and maintain these key relationships. “To be an established networker, you need to realize that it’s a two-way street,” added Greyson.

As part of the conference’s networking emphasis, the attendees will have the opportunity to socialize with the industry leaders who have been invited to speak. “We anticipate a great networking opportunity at this gathering,” stated Greyson. Team members will employ some of the networking tips that they learn in training sessions. “It will be great to see some new relationships develop, which will benefit our associates as well as the business,” she added.

With the prevalence of social media, the importance of networking is much more important than it was even 10 years ago. “According to the latest research, the average American has 634 contacts,” said Greyson. “Imagine, if we can manage even a fraction of those contacts effectively, how productive and profitable we can be!”

About Winston Grey, Inc.

Winston Grey, Inc. is an event-based promotions firm focused on enhancing market share and brand loyalty through memorable interactive campaigns. The firm’s highly-skilled brand ambassadors create distinctive outreach initiatives that engage targeted consumers and expand public awareness of the products they represent. A dedication to their core values of flexibility and constant improvement ensures the satisfaction of all business leaders who entrust the firm with their promotional goals. With a well-established reputation for reaching new markets and boosting profitability for both Fortune 500 companies and smaller local operations, Winston Grey, Inc. is poised for continued growth and further expansion.  


Tags:, Marketing, North Carolina, Reviews, Winston Grey, Winston-Salem

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Winston Grey, Inc. expands market share for a variety of products through inventive promotional campaigns backed by in-depth research.

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