Wireless Wingman Provides Real-Time Situational Advice to Boost Confidence Before and During Dates

SimpleSuitor Wireless Wingman helps people connect with that special someone through text almost anywhere with a real-time pocket wingman. Providing coaching to get prepared before going out, and play-by-play instructions to get clients talking. It's a simple concept; people need to connect and Wireless Wingman is a tool to get people to the next level.

Today’s cities are full of strangers; people who want to interact but are afraid.  Many lack personal confidence to approach someone, conversational skills to get them talking, and techniques to keep them interested.  Loneliness is a problem that has reached pandemic proportions. 

Society has seen a sharp decline in social connectedness.  Over 50% of all singles in America have not had a date in more than two years and over 40% of men do not feel confident meeting new women. These are alarming statistics. The need for a change in how people go about connecting is clear.

"I used to think I needed to go out with friends or have a wingman to meet new people. Then I helped a friend meet the girl of his dreams, by coaching him through the encounter via text message alone", says CEO Craig Major. "I realized how a few text messages and a little planning can give you a real advantage. A Wireless Wingman can give you an edge when trying to connect with someone. I had no one to do this for me; we can be there for you."

Craig Major, CEO SimpleSuitor

It's a simple concept; people need to connect and Wireless Wingman is a tool to get clients to the next level.

​SimpleSuitor Wireless Wingman wants to help people connect almost anywhere with a real-time pocket wingman.  Providing coaching to get prepared before going out, and play-by-play instructions to get clients talking.  Wireless Wingman will even assume roles to get and keep the interaction going: creating situations like being the brother in need of advice, the jealous stalker, or a friend in a trivia contest just to name a few.

People often just need a little push or challenge; it’s easier to take action when someone is there for support. This is a personal one-on-one service with the goal of giving clients an edge in the competitive world of dating with situational advice from a real person on the other end, working with clients to maximize opportunities to connect with someone. 

For the price of a drink, SimpleSuitor Wireless Wingman will have people connecting fast.

About SimpleSuitor

​SimpleSuitor is a Toronto based start-up offering Wireless Wingman, virtual girlfriend / boyfriend and friend services. To meet someone new, combat external pressures from friends and family to be involved, or just have someone to talk to, SimpleSuitor has the solution. 


Contact info

Craig Major 289-208-4760

[email protected]


Tags: dating coaching, dating tips, live coaching, social startup, wireless singles

About SimpleSuitor

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SimpleSuitor is a Toronto based start-up offering Wireless Wingman, virtual girlfriend / boyfriend and friend services. If you want to meet someone new, combat pressures to be involved, or just have someone to talk to, we will be there for you